The Morally Corrupt

This is a alphabetical list of clergy and associates accused of crimes and misdeeds.

Abdelahad, Charles Michael, Assault - January, 2011: Antiochian Orthodox
Abid, Matthew, Child Molestation - January, 2013: Catholic
Ackley, Samuel, Attempted theft - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Adinolfi, Anthony Michael, Solicitation of a Minor - March, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Aguilar, Geronimo, Child Molestation and Rape - June, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Aguilar, Geronimo, Child Molestation and Rape - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Allen, David, Murder - April, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Anastasia, Matthew, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Anderle, Zachary, Child Molestation and Cruelty - August, 2013: Vineyard
Anderson, Matthias, Child Molestation - December, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Animodi, Emmanuel, Sexual Assault - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Anthony, Michael Louis, Rape - April, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Ashwell, Barry, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Asplund, Ronald, Rape - May, 2011: Lutheran
Astorga, John, Child Molestation - August, 2012: AiG
Ates, Jimmy, Murder - March, 2011: Baptist
Bacon, Evans, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Baptist
Bailey, Stephanie, Theft - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Baldwin, Irvin “Pete”, Solicitation of a Minor - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Barham, Jerry D., Child Porn - March, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Bell, Margaret, Failure to Report Abuse - March, 2013: Baptist
Bendert, William, Solicitation of a Minor - September, 2010: Lutheran
Bertrand, James P. Jr. , Drugs and Car Theft - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Black, Robert Michael , Solicitation - April, 2009: Baptist
Bolton, John, Rape - August, 2010: Baptist
Bostwick, Payton Early, Child Molestation and Sodomy - August, 2012: Pentacostal
Bracken, LaDonna, Sexual Assault of a Child - August, 2012: Baptist
Brassfield, Wilbert Davis, Embezzlement - December, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Brennan, Jennifer, Child Molestation - September, 2009: Methodist
Brennan, Robert L, Sexual Assault - October, 2013: Catholic
Brijbag, Brian, Sexual Misconduct - April, 2011: Baptist
Bristol, Louis Joseph, Child Molestation - March, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Brothers, John Holland, Sexual Assault of a Child - April, 2012: Baptist
Brown, Jasmine , Child Molestation - December, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Brown, Lawrence, Solicitation of a Minor - July, 2010: Baptist
Brown, Matthew, Lewd messaging - September, 2010: Baptist
Brown, Patrick, Tax Evasion - May, 2011: Catholic
Brown, Ronald William, Child porn - July, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Bryant, Michael, Child Molestation - December, 2013: CoG
Bullock, Dwight, Child Molestation - March, 2010: CME
Bullock, Mark Stewart, Indecent exposure - January, 2012: Catholic
Burkhalter, Damian, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Lutheran
Burnett, Isaac, Bad Checks and Theft - October, 2013: Baptist
Burning, Ronnald, Multiple sex crimes - May, 2011: Baptist
Butler, Seth , Child Molestation - July, 2012: Catholic
Butler, Tedd, Child Molestation - December, 2011: Baptist
Cabe, William, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Baptist
Calhoun, Nathaniel, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Caminiti, Philip, Child abuse - April, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Campaner, Renato, Attempted murder - June, 2011: CoC
Capranelli, Matthew, Child Molestation and Rape - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Caraway, Jeremy Dewayne, Rape and Child Molestation and Rape - May, 2011: CoG
Cardelli, Dino, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Carey, Dennis , Child Porn - July, 2012: Catholic
Carlson, Robert, Serial child sexual abuse - December, 2012: Catholic
Carr, Rodney, Infecting People with HIV - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Carter, Adam Dewayne, Sexting - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Carter, Brandon, Child Molestation and Kidnapping - January, 2013: Baptist
Casey, Jerry, Sexual Assault - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Casey, William, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Cashdollar, Darrell, Assault - August, 2012: Unknown Christian
Castillo, Alex, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Catholic
Castro, Jorge Juan, Sexual Assault - September, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Chepke, Cynthia, Robbery - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Clark, Matthew, Soliciting a lewd acts - January, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Collette, Roland, Morals - Foot Fetish - August, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Colon, Nelson Santiago, Child molestation - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Conder, Jacob, Child Molestation - October, 2010: Baptist
Corapi, John, Sexual Misconduct - June, 2011: Catholic
Cordova, Jorge, Sexual Abuse - June, 2011: Catholic
Cornelius Taylor , Sexual Assault of a Child - March, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Coulter, Derek, Civil - Wrongful death - April, 2012: AoG
Coyle, Arthur , Soliciting sex - August, 2013: Catholic
Crossno, Ryan, Child Molestation - January, 2013: Baptist
Curran, Thomas, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Cuthbert, Cedric, Child Porn - May, 2013: Methodist
Dalls, Surrett, Child Molestation - April, 2013: Baptist
Dando, Robert, Aggravated sexual battery - August, 2010: Baptist
Daniels, Tom , Child Rape - March, 2012: Baptist
Davis, Greg Lamar, Reckless conduct - August, 2012: Baptist
Davis, Gregg, DUI - March, 2013: Lutheran
Davis, James, Child Molestation and Rape - February, 2012: Baptist
Demoreta, edward, Lewd battery on a child - December, 2011: AoG
Dennehey, John J. , Child Molestation and Rape - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Dickerson, Keith, Child Molestation - January, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Donaghy, James, Child Molestation - July, 2013: Catholic
Downs, Clyde, Drub Possession and Unlawful Firearms - June, 2013: Baptist
Downs, David, Child Molestation - October, 2013: Baptist
Downs, Rutherford David, Sexual Battery of a Child - July, 2012: Baptist
Drainville, Patrick Conrad, Accidental shooting - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Earls. Joshua, Child Molestation - April, 2013: Baptist
Earp, Nancy, Inappropriate relationship with a minor - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Edwards, John, Battery of a law enforcement officer - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Elijah, Nehemiah, Theft and Fraud - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Elliot, James, Sexual Assault - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Engle, Charles, Child Molestation - June, 2013: Baptist
Fairley, Edward, Attempted Murder - March, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Fay, Michael Jude, Embezzlement - March, 2008: Catholic
Feemster, Clinton, Solicitation - March, 2011: Baptist
Feltman, Sean, Attempting to lure a teen - March, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Fiala, John, Violent sexual assault - September, 2010: Catholic
Finney, Joshua, Sexual Misconduct - May, 2012: Baptist
Firmin, Kichner, Misuse of funds - August, 2010: Baptist
Fisher, Laneer, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Flambert, Millier, Video voyeurism - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Flood, Michael, Sexual Assault - March, 2011: Catholic
Flores, Alejandro, Sexual Assault of a Child - September, 2010: Catholic
Flower, Joe, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Ford, Mack, Child Molestation - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Forehand, Gregory, Child Molestation and Rape - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Forehand, Gregory Douglas, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Fortner, Trevor Jacob, Child Porn - August, 2013: Baptist
Foster, Chad , Sexual Assault of a Child - December, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Frankly, Curtis, Sexual Assault - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Fraser, Malcolm, Rape - December, 2013: Christian cult
Frawley, Morgan, Sexting - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Frediani, Michael, Failing to register as a sex offender - January, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Freeman, Robert J., Fraud - August, 2012: Christian Cult
Fuhriman, Zachary, Rape - November, 2013: Baptist
Fulton, Jeremy, Child Molestation - December, 2009: Baptist
Fultz, Joseph, Failing to report abuse - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Furey, Chris, Rape - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Fushek, Dale, Sexual Abuse - June, 2011: Catholic
Gandy, Travis, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Garmez, Alvaro Javier, Sexual Abuse - August, 2012: Christian Cult
Gass. Terru, Family Violence and Drugs - February, 2013: Baptist
Ghent, Clevon, Rape - August, 2010: CoG
Gijsen, Jo, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Giles, Jonathan, Rape - June, 2009: Baptist
Gilford, Adriane, Misappropriation of funds - June, 2012: Baptist
Gilford, Charles, Misappropriation of funds - May, 2012: Baptist
Gillum, Scott , Drug Trafficking - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Girouex, Brent, Child Molestation and Rape - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Girouex, Brent, Sexual exploitation - March, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Givens, Lewis, Sexual Assault of an Impaired Child - January, 2011: CoC
Goner, Gregory L. , Misappropriation of funds - March, 2012: Baptist
Gordon, Tyrone D. , Sexual Misconduct - March, 2012: Methodist
Gowdey, Kris, Luring children for sex - August, 2012: Methodist
Granstrand, Charles, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Gray, Brian, Rape - June, 2013: Baptist
Gray, Brian, Molestation and rape - June, 2011: CoC
Green, William, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Griffin, Derrick Trevor, Murder - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Guerrero, James, Sexual Assault - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Gurley, Randolph, Attempted murder - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Hadinger, James Paul, Sexual Abuse - March, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Hall, Jonathan, Sexting and Child Porn - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Hamm, Brandon, Child Molestation - July, 2012: MCC
Hammons, Carlton, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Baptist
Hanoum, Jerry, Suicide and misappropriation of funds - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Harman, Geody, Rape - August, 2010: Mormon cult
Harman, Jarvis, Assault and Battery - October, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Harman, Victoria , Assault and Battery - October, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Harper, Cecil, Sexual Assault - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Harris, Richard James, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Harris, Wallace, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Hermogenes, Michael Tuano , Rape and Attempted murder - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Hernandez, Francisco Antonio, Child Molestation - October, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Hesse, Caleb, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Evangelical Free Church
Hill, Enoch, Child Molestation - May, 2007: Unknown Protestant
Hoare, Malcolm, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Baptist
Hogue, Jaysen, Child Molestation - June, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Holland, Otis, Sexual Assault of a Child - January, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Hooper, Mark, Child Abuse - December, 2013: Baptist
Hopkins, Creth Dean, Child sexual abuse - April, 2012: Unknown Protestant
House,  Ronald, Obstruction of justice - March, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Hudgins, Aaron Kenneth, Child Porn - November, 2013: Baptist
Hunter, James, Unlawful distribution of a controlled substance - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Hunter, Sylvia, Unlawful distribution of a controlled substance - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Ignatius Kury, DUI and lewd behavior - March, 2011: Catholic
Jackson, John Albert, Obtaining property by false pretense - June, 2011: Baptist
Jackson, Timothy, Sexual Abuse - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Jacobs, Phillip, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Catholic
Jarrell, Matthew Dwayne, Suicide, sexual assault and rape - May, 2011: Baptist
Jeyapaul, Joseph Palanivel, Rape - March, 2012: Catholic
Jiang, Xiuhui , Child Molestation and Child Endangerment - July, 2012: Catholic
Jinwright, Anthony, Fraud and failure to report income - July, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Johansson, Erik, Growing marijuana - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Johnson, Bernie, Lewd behavior - July, 2010: Baptist
Johnson, Kenneth Allen , Assault and Battery - March, 2012: Baptist
Johnson, Steven Lennard , Sex offender working with Children - November, 2013: Baptist
Jones, Derrik Wayne, Child Abuse - March, 2013: CoG
Jones, Harry Vester, Rape - October, 2013: Baptist
Jones, Richard , Failing to register as a sex offender - June, 2012: AoG
Jordan, Andrew , False imprisonment and simple assault - July, 2012: AoG
Joubert, Phillip , Child Molestation and Incest - December, 2009: Baptist
Jung, Donald, Child Molestation and Rape - October, 2013: Baptist
Jung, Donald R., Child Molestation - March, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Kamkung, Kong Soik, Child Molestation - October, 2013: Methodist
Keith, Kenneth A, Murder - October, 2013: Baptist
Kelleher, Cornelius, Child Molestation - October, 2013: Catholic
Kindred, Jacob, Rape - December, 2013: Unknown Protestant
King, Chester, Lewd behavior - September, 2010: Episcopalian
Klien, Ugene, Aiding a Mobster - June, 2011: Catholic
Kreiser, Thomas, Theft - June, 2011: Catholic
Ladenburger, Louis, Sexual Abuse - June, 2011: Catholic
Lambert, Kelvin, Invasion of Privacy and Trespass - August, 2012: Baptist
LaPierre, Jason, Grand Larceny - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Lawlor, John K, Prostitution - October, 2013: Baptist
LeBlanc, Keith, Theft - June, 2011: Catholic
Ledford, Charles Ledford, Stealing - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Lenzini, Michael, Rape - November, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Leon, Miguel, Child Molestation - January, 2011: Santeria
Leonard, Clavon, Sexual Abuse - March, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Leonard, Thurman, Assault and Battery - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Lewis, Andrea, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Lewis, Andrea, Child Molestation - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Lewis, Eugene, Sexual Assault - September, 2010: Catholic
Lewis, Paul, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Lewis, Russell, Sexual Battery , lewd and lascivious molestation - November, 2009: Baptist
Liang, Joseph, Child Molestation - August, 2013: Catholic
Linngred, Matthew, Child porn - September, 2010: Lutheran
Lisowski, Paul, Lewd and Lascivious battery on a child - March, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Lively, Scott, Crimes Against Humanity - August, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Lloyd, Carl, Sexual Contact with a Minor - May, 2012: Baptist
London, Jeffery, Battery and Child Molestation - April, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Lunceford, Gordon , Rape and Sexual Abuse - July, 2009: Baptist
Lynn, William , Child Endangerment - April, 2012: Catholic
Lyons, Denis, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Catholic
Lyte, Samuel, Sexual Assault - March, 2013: Baptist
MacMoran, Thaddeus, Child Molestation and Crimes Against Nature - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Maffey, Ricardo, Child Molestation - March, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Manuel, Eric, Child Molestation - October, 2012: Catholic
Marini, Patrick, Attempted Kidnapping - July, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Martin, John, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Catholic
Martin, Larry, Sexual Assault of a Child - January, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Martinelli, Eliza, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Masteller, Jonathan, Sexual Assault - December, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Mathis, Arnold, Sexual Battery of a Child - December, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Matthews, Curtis Glendell , Sexting - March, 2012: Baptist
Matuk, Ruben J. , Lewd and Lascivious acts - December, 2011: CoC
McCabe, Jerrod Don, Sexual Exploitation of a Minor and Child Porn - April, 2012: Chinese Christian
McCabe, Patrick, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Catholic
McCowan, Lonnie, Fraud - March, 2011: Unknown Protestant
McDowell, Terry, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Baptist
McGuire, Donald, Sexual Abuse - June, 2011: Catholic
McQueen, Steve, Theft - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Mealancon, Elijah, Theft - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Mehdi, Shahid, Attempted Rape - May, 2013: Muslim
Meredith, Robert , Child Molestation - December, 2011: CoC
Michaels, Mark, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Baptist
Miles, Melody, Fraud - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Miller, Kenneth, Kidnapping - February, 2013: Mennonite
Miller, Timothy David, Kidnapping - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Mohler, Michael "Mic", Child Molestation - February, 2013: Methodist
Monson, James, Sex with a child. Sexual exploitation by a therapist - February, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Montgomery, Bridget, Tax Fraud - August, 2012: Church of God in christ
Montgomery, David, Tax Fraud - August, 2012: Church of God in christ
Montgomery, Shan, Failure to Register - March, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Morales, Angel, Rape - March, 2011: Pentecostal
Morgan, Torrey, Child Molestation and Rape - July, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Mosley, Ray, Child Molestation - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Muelhauser, Ryan, Criminal Sexual Conduct - June, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Murff, Johnny, Theft - June, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Murphy, Robert, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Catholic
Murray, Hugh Edward, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Navarro, Richard, Lewd battery on a child - December, 2011: AoG
Nelson, David, Child Molestation - December, 2011: Jehovah's Witness
Newman, Stewart , Child Molestation, Child Porn and Rape - February, 2011: Lutheran
Nichols, Matthew, Child porn - August, 2010: Lutheran
Norris, Michael, Child Molestation and Child Porn - January, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Nowak, Michael, Inappropriate sexual phone calls - May, 2011: Catholic
Ntege, Nathan, Fake marriages - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
O’Keefe, Kenneth, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Catholic
Ornelas, Hugo, Sexual Assault - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Owino, Felix, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Catholic
Padilla, Roberto, Domestic Assault - May, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Parker, Timothy, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Lutheran
Pasley, Derwin, Child molestation - September, 2010: AoG
Paulish, William, Indecent Exposure, indecent Assault, Rape - October, 2013: Catholic
Pearson, Arthur , Misappropriation of funds - January, 2012: Baptist
Pelayo, Leonel, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Pelton, Rollin, Sexual Abuse - June, 2011: Catholic
Pereira, Josmar Flores, Hijacking - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Perez, Angel, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Catholic
Perez, Julio, Murder - April, 2012: Pentacostal
Perez, Oscar D., Sexual Assault - July, 2012: Catholic Cult
Perez, Steven, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Perlitz, Douglas, Child Molestation - September, 2009: Catholic
Petroske, Peter, DUI and Indecent Exposure - August, 2012: Catholic
Phelps, Chuck, Failure to report a sex crime - June, 2011: Baptist
Phillips, Chris, Embezzlement - June, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Phillips, Doug, Morals - Infidelity - November, 2013: Christian Cult - Quiverfull
Phillips, Jason, Sexual Assault of a Teen - March, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Picanto, Sobrino Valdeci, Sexual Assault - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Piepenbrink, Leon Edwill, Grand Larceny - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Pitt, Matt, Impersonating a Police Officer - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Ponds, Grady, Child porn - September, 2010: Methodist
Pop, Ioan, Sexual Assault - November, 2013: Romanian Orthodox Church
Pope, Douglas, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Baptist
Porter, Howard, Murder - August, 2008: Unknown Protestant
Porter, Matthew, Voyeurism - June, 2008: Baptist
Porter, William “Lee”, Child Molestation and Incest - July, 2010: CoC
Powell, Glories, Wrongful death - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Price, Bobby, Child Molestation - November, 2013: Baptist
Procanick, William , Child Molestation - December, 2008: Baptist
Pushia, Kevin, Murder - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Pyles, Ronald, Rape of a developmentally disabled woman - January, 2013: Baptist
Quintana, Nelson Jr., Child Molestation - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Quintero, Jeremiah, Child Molestation - November, 2013: Apostolic 
Radtke, David, Sexual Assault - June, 2011: Lutheran
Ratcliff, Donald, Child Porn - March, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Rathburn, Ronald Sr., Child Porn - December, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Ratigan, Shawn, Child molestation and Child Porn - June, 2011: Catholic
Reaves, Jeffrey, Assault and Battery - June, 2011: Baptist
Reed, Charles, Rape - January, 2011: Baptist
Reed, Rickey Alan, Aggravated burglary and theft - October, 2013: Methodist
Regan, John F., Theft - June, 2011: Catholic
Richardson, Dale, Kidnapping and rape - August, 2011: Baptist
Rickman, Roger, Child Molestation - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Riebe, Loren, Sexual Abuse - June, 2011: Catholic
Roberts, Oral Jr., DUI - January, 2012: Evangelical
Robertson, Jason, Sexual Assault - October, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Robertson, Rand, Morals - Caught going to strip clubs - September, 2010: Baptist
Robida, Daniel Richard, Unlawful sexual activity with a minor - November, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Roldan, Eric, Rape and Child Molestation and Rape - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Roseboom,  Jordan , Child Molestation - March, 2012: Baptist
Rowe, Ralph, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Anglican
Rowe, Steven, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Ruark, Robert, Child Molestation - June, 2012: Orthodox Christian
Salazar, Pablo, Theft - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Sanders, Bruce, Rape and Sexual Battery - May, 2011: Baptist
Savage, Charles, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Baptist
Schaap, Jack, Moral failing - July, 2012: Baptist
Schaible, Catherine, Child Abuse - August, 2013: Christian cult
Schaible, Herbert, Child Abuse - August, 2013: Christian cult
Schirmer, Arhur, Murder - February, 2013: Baptist
Schirmer, Arthur, Murder - September, 2010: Baptist
Schneider, William, Child Porn - November, 2013: Baptist
Schwartzrock, Derek, Child Porn - April, 2013: Baptist
Scott, Randy, Coerced sex - August, 2010: AoG
Seppia, Riccardo, Child Molestation - May, 2011: Catholic
Shelton, Tommy R. Jr., Child Molestation - January, 2012: CoG
Shockey, Howard, Child Porn - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Shuck, Jay, Threats with a Gun - May, 2013: Methodist
Sims, Brett, Child Endangerment - June, 2011: Baptist
Slowey, John, Child Molestation - August, 2010: Catholic
Smith, Anthony Lavon, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Baptist
Smith, Danny, Morals - Violation of Community Trust - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Smith, David, Child Porn - April, 2013: Lutheran
Smith, Ira, Child Molestation via disabled child - February, 2013: Baptist
Smith, Jonathan H. , Child Molestation - November, 2013: Presbyterian
Solomon, Gordon, Sex acts with a minor - July, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Sotelo, Enoc "Tito", Scamming illegal immigrants - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Spencer, George, Child Molestation - March, 2013: CME
Stallworth, Hezekiah, Child Molestation - May, 2011: Baptist
Stangel, Tobey, Murder - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Steward, Rodney, Solicitation of a Minor - September, 2010: Baptist
Storms, Grant, Public Masturbation - February, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Storms, Grant, Public Masturbation - February, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Stubb, Stephen, Rape - September, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Sundar, Paul, Sexual Harassment - June, 2011: Baptist
Sweeny, Gregory, Sexual Misconduct - March, 2013: Catholic
Tamfuma, Greatness, Rape - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Tapia, Jospeh III, Production of child porn. Exploiting children. - May, 2011: Baptist
Taylor, Darryl Leonard, lewd molestation - December, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Thibodeaux, Anthony, Sexual Assault of a Child - August, 2012: Baptist
Thomas, Andrew, Rape and Sexual Exploitation of Children - March, 2011: CoC
Thomas, Grover Jr., Rape - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Thomas, Timothy, Rape - April, 2013: Methodist
Thompson, Alex E., Child Neglect - November, 2013: Vineyard
Tice, Danny, Morals - Stupidity - June, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Todd, Darryl, Statutory rape - August, 2010: Baptist
Torres, Alvaro Javier Gamez, Serial rape - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Umana, Efrain , Rape - June, 2009: AoG
Urbaniak, Adnrzej, Child Porn - August, 2012: Catholic
Valdez,  Luis Leonel, Rape - June, 2012: Salvation Army
Valentine, Daniel, Embezzlement - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Vallejos, Pedro Emilio, Child Molestation and Threats - February, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Vandergraph, Bill, Child Molestation - November, 2013: Unknown Protestant
VanHoutan, Terry, Sexual Abuse - August, 2010: Baptist
Vasquez, Daniel, Child Molestation - September, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Velan, Marukudiyil, Sexual Misconduct - July, 2012: Greek Orthodox
Velez, Eddie, Assault - March, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Vine, John T., Child Molestation - August, 2012: Unknown Protestant
WakeField, Stephen, Sexting - June, 2011: Baptist
Walker, Joseph III, Civil - abuse of pastoral power - March, 2012: Baptist
Wallin, Kevin, Drug Dealing - March, 2013: Catholic
Walsh, Harry, Child Molestation - December, 2013: Catholic
Warren, Robert Eric, Child Molestation - June, 2013: Unknown Protestant
Weatherford, Corey, Sexual Assault - August, 2012: Baptist
Webb, James W., Theft - May, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Webb, Richard, Theft - August, 2010: Baptist
Wehmeyer, Curtis, Child Molestation - June, 2012: Catholic
Welty, Steven, Child Molestation and Incest - August, 2010: Unknown Protestant
Werling, Seth, Sexting and lewd photos - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Werneburg, Dustin, Rape - February, 2013: Baptist
Wheeless, Josh, Sexting and Child Porn - November, 2013: Baptist
White, John D, Murder - April, 2013: Unknown Protestant
White, Randy, DUI - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Wilkerson, Michael A. Sr., Theft by Fraud - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Willam, Theldon Jr., Child Molestation - February, 2013: Baptist
William, Anthony, Fraud - February, 2013: Fraudulent Pastor
Williams, Carri, Homicide by abuse and Manslaughter - September, 2013: Baptist
Williams, Larry, Homicide by abuse and Manslaughter - September, 2013: Baptist
Willis, Ernest, Rape - August, 2013: Baptist
Wininger, William, Child Molestation - November, 2013: Baptist
Winninger, Bill, Child Molestation - November, 2013: Baptist
Wisdom, Joshua, Prostitution - August, 2010: Baptist
Witmer, Ervin, Sexual Assault - June, 2011: Unknown Protestant
Yi, Li, Rape - August, 2010: Taoist
Yocum, Walter, Child Molestation - March, 2013: Baptist
Yoder, Willard, Soliciting Sex with a Minor via Internet - June, 2011: Amish
Yoon, Samuel, Soliciting sex from underage teen - May, 2013: Baptist
Young, Edwin, Morals - Non criminal - August, 2012: Unknown Protestant
Young, Jordon, Child Molestation - August, 2012: Unknown Protestant

Comments (45)

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What about posthumous investigations? Reverend Robert Carlson, Bangor, Maine, investigated for multiple counts of child sexual assault.
5 replies · active 529 weeks ago
Pastor Rutherford David Downs - 13 first-degree felonies and two capital offenses - child under age 12 sexual assaults
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
Wow. Nice list and here I though all christians were peacful.


Pretty sick almost all involved in sex crimes against children. Sick sick bastards
2 replies · active 646 weeks ago
I have to ask, what about all of the people who abuse children who aren't of a religion? Of course, cases involving religion get more attention, but I think while you are trying to make a point, you end up making yourself look not so intelligent. It is terrible that people do these things, religious or not! Don't tell me I don't know either, I attended the church that Jordan Roseboom volunteered at (visit your own link if you need reminded of that one). It was a devastating time at our church, but your comments are rather shortsighted. There were background checks done, and he had been volunteering at the church for years with no problems. I am in no way trying to defend him or the terrible things he did, but there was no precursor that could have warned anyone! Even the best FBI agent... I assure you. The police were contacted on the day that issue was brought to the church. Yes, parents were addressed, but that was because the church wanted parents to know if their children may have been abused. Is that wrong?! I surely do not think so. As to the comments about all sins being equal, it doesn't mean that we think what he did is on an equal playing field with lying, but when it comes to God- sin separates you from God, the cross covers all sin. Simple as that. From browsing your blog, I understand that you want people to respect your lack of religion, and I ask that you respect my religion in the same manner. You have the right to think over your food, and as a church, we have a right to pray for healing. You might be trying to expose the evil people of the world- but do you think your blog positively effects those involved? There are people who make bad decisions everywhere.
7 replies · active 258 weeks ago
you haven't added Settlemoir
why do you give Settlemoir a pass on this list?
Chokon Theis's avatar

Chokon Theis · 558 weeks ago

I'm curious..... do you have a list of "morally corrupt" atheists as well? I'm wondering why an atheist invests so much time exposing those that claim to be "men of cloth". Are you curious or angry about religion?? If you aren't, why don't you also post an atheist list of pedophiles/sex offenders.... you know, just to keep it "politically correct" and all.
3 replies · active 258 weeks ago
Thank you very much to share a great information regarding this topic.
Thank you for sharing such valuable information. You have discussed on a good topic.
Just Wondering's avatar

Just Wondering · 481 weeks ago

Do you just have a hate on for RELIGIOUS folks or for ALL peds and pervs.Where is your list for cops,doctors,teachers,bloggers or the rest of a sick society?What is your purpose?Ride a high horse too far and I guarantee you will fall off!Any skeletons in you or a family members closet? just happened onto this today.Get a life and a real job!!!
1 reply · active 258 weeks ago
Free Thinker's avatar

Free Thinker · 477 weeks ago

I applaud what you are trying to do but be careful in the process. At least one of the persons above (and I'm presuming more) was not convicted of what you say. Accusations can be made by anyone, charges can be brought, but if they are not upheld in a court of law and charges are dropped, their name should not be splattered across your board. People's reputations and lives are on the line. Abusers and criminals should be outed - but please consider following up on the whole story. If charges are dropped and/or abuses were mischaracterized, should they suffer your public flogging?
El Paso, Texas's avatar

El Paso, Texas · 462 weeks ago

Speaking of The Morally Corrupt: Eyes need to be on Iglesia Del Dios Vivo, headquartered at 8877 Geranium Dr, El Paso, TX 79907. Two former pastors have been convicted and are either serving a prison sentence and/or registering as sex offenders. Their names are: Jaime Antonio Solorio and Hugo Ornelas. Articles on both of these cases are available in the Coloradoan Paper and El Paso Times. Senior Pastor Amador Valenzuela has been fostering and keeping in hiding members of his church who are Pedophiles. I am a citizen of this great city and want to being awarness to our community in order to keep it safe. I came across this information and it was also brought to my attention that son of Amador Valenzuela is now under investigation for sexual misconduct with young boys who attend the church.
Thanks for the great advice!
Be Still, God is here, just believe.
2 replies · active 258 weeks ago
Just believe in yourself and be confident.
I as a survivor? Have been blogging on these degenerate Christian pedophiles since 2007. Over one hundred thousand of them. And that? Is just their pedophile priests and pastors I have reported on. This does not include all the Christian teachers, police officers, politicians, etc who also been busted for raping kids.

I've studied all the recent reports, the John Jay, the Industrial School reports, the ones from Australia, etc.

And what gets me the most? Are all the victims who committed suicide and no one seems to give a damn about that, at least the Christians do not care. I guess a dead victim who blew their brains out is good for the Christians cause a dead victim tells no tales.

But? Seeing that Christians demand the brutal executions of lgbts, atheists and others? Especially lgbts? How about we start demanding a death penalty punishment for all their Christian pedophiles? Oh but that would be oh so hateful and mean to those Christian pedophiles huh?
Nice Post..
Great to see such post..
Really nice information.

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