Thursday, September 16, 2010

Baptist pastor fail

Baptist pastor Randy Robertson was busted spending hundreds of dollars in a strip club. It’s classic case of Christian hypocrisy. Watch the video, it’s hilarious.

For 6-weeks FOX 25 watched as Pastor Randy Robertson spent hour after hour at the strip club. So we walked in the strip club camera rolling. At first the pastor had little to say. He hid in the restroom and tried to take our microphone. We also went to his church to see if it would open its books to prove whether the pastor was spending church money on that stripper.

Read more: KOKH FOX 25 - Pastor strip club investigation

Christa Brown has a post on this – Pastor in strip club shows Baptistland patterns

In this story, we can see many parallels to the stories involving Baptist clergy sex abuse. Here are just a few:

There is no effective oversight for the pastor. For months, pastor Robertson was able to spend many hours away from church duties while he frequented a strip club.

Pastor Randy Robertson resigned from the First Baptist Church of Anadarko. I find it interesting that no mention of the scandal is reported on the churches’ website. I also find it interesting that some members of the church expressed and objection to the reporters even investigating their pastor because it reflected poorly on the church. This is the reason abuse happens.

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