I track clergy sexual abuse.It's a hard job and I can use some help. If you know of a local case, please send me an email tip. Put the word "TIP" and the "Pastor's Name" [TIP Tom Smith] in the subject line and include a link to the article in the body of the email. If you want me to include credit for the tip (commonly known as a hat tip), please include a link to your blog or the name you would like credited.
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Truth For Free · 655 weeks ago
Truth For Free · 655 weeks ago
steve · 654 weeks ago
Truthprevailed · 654 weeks ago
Jeff Fiddler · 645 weeks ago
Am I right? Is there some sort of black out on this? I would think after all the stuff on the RC's, and the nasty on the ultra-Ortthodox Jews in Las Vegas, , this would be grist to many mills.
Thanks for your time. I am going to enjoy your site.
Doug · 633 weeks ago
nancy drew · 630 weeks ago
Ggreybeard 0p · 629 weeks ago
There is also a separate NSW Commission of Inquiry into cover ups in the Catholic Church in the state of NSW: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/senior-church-figures-o...
I know you have enough to worry about, tracking what goes on in the US, but I thought you might be interested.
T. Hill · 607 weeks ago
T. Hill · 607 weeks ago
watchdog · 586 weeks ago
juliansmoma 1p · 586 weeks ago
I think you may find this site helpful. They also have a podcast that exposes corrupt religious leaders. They are actually Christians that exist outside of the institutional church system.
hadassahgeraci 2p · 581 weeks ago
My husband and I am devout Christians but we cannot find a church in which the pastors and leadership is not practicing in immorality. I have an article about the common church of today: www.harlotryinthechurch.com. I have read some of your answers to some questions that others have posted and see that you too have an expectation of how people should live who are "Christians". I am sorry to see that the perverseness of these Christians has turned your heart away. It has turned the Lord's heart away too. There is a verse in the book of Revelation that says that "I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews but they are not Jews, they are of the synagogue of Satan. (Rev 2:9)". This is the church today. I don't blame you for not wanting to be a part of it. We don't either and neither does Christ, He is not in it. We have many other Christian friends who live upright, not as these people who live in defilement and call themselves Christians. Thank you for providing this list for all to see. I am sincerely sorry that people have made the name of Christ so slanderous. This is not God. This is man.
Please visit our blogs as I think you would be interested in what my article has to say on the lusts in the church: www.harlotryinthechurch.com, www.aprayerfullife.com - This is our family blog. We are the Christians who are against the ways of the church today - we have no part of it. If you would like to converse, my husband would love to talk with you. He had a head injury himself in 1989. He's writing a book against the immorality of the church today. I am as well. You are welcome to write us. Take care and I know you are an atheist, but I'll be praying that you find the true God one day. It's not in the church. Hadassah
winterbean, 95688 · 575 weeks ago
Sue · 529 weeks ago
Please reply.
Anna Nimmus · 528 weeks ago
Anna Nimus · 528 weeks ago
Jorgen · 518 weeks ago
Else I simply cannot take you serious. Yes child molestation is 100% wrong...NO MATTER if it's done by a clergy or atheist.
If you don't want to do list both groups...you're simply out on an personal pursuit of people who believe differently from your life philosophy...and such people who are only focused on those of opposition when it comes to right or wrong - simply deserves no respect and should not be listened to at all !!
george hunter · 515 weeks ago
Robert Bass · 454 weeks ago
This planet alone was here for a reason. 1000 miles closer to the sun and we would burn, 1000 miles further out and we would freeze. If the moon wasn't there we wouldn't even exist.
You don't believe in at least a plan? A plan set forth by something that was vastly superior than us?