Help me

I track clergy sexual abuse.It's a hard job and I can use some help. If you know of a local case, please send me an email tip. Put the word "TIP" and the "Pastor's Name" [TIP Tom Smith] in the subject line and include a link to the article in the body of the email. If you want me to include credit for the tip (commonly known as a hat tip), please include a link to your blog or the name you would like credited.


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Truth For Free's avatar

Truth For Free · 655 weeks ago

I was just wondering what led you to become an atheist? I have been involved in the ministry for 10 years now not long after I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I was formally Roman Catholic. In my experience in the ministry I have found that most atheist and agnostics were brought up in some "religion". As far as all these that you blog about in the deep thoughts and morally corrupt, I will tell you that someone in the ministry is faced with temptations more than that of someone that is not. You are in the spotlight and people think you are above reproach but the fact of the nature we are sinners just like every one else. This is just something that is on my heart. And yes I am one of the detractors from the blogs on Charles Savage, II.. I have had heated words for you towards the the end of his last indictment when the case was dismissed the last time and sealed and expunged. As far as the new allegations, you need to pay close attention again because the same results will most likely come to be. I won't make any threats this time, but I will pray for you and every one else that posts on the blog.
3 replies · active 548 weeks ago
Truth For Free's avatar

Truth For Free · 655 weeks ago

I know from experience about the temptations they face. There is a verse that says smite the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. Nothing destroys a church more than when a Pastor is caught in immoral or gross behavior. Is there a private way to talk to you?
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Sounds like the good pastor is about to join your morally corrupt list, mojoey
Truthprevailed's avatar

Truthprevailed · 654 weeks ago

Here is the site I told you about. It saves you from having to google everything separately since it is all included on this site.
Jeff Fiddler's avatar

Jeff Fiddler · 645 weeks ago

Have a question. Just read a review of Christa Brown's "This Little Light" in an old issue of the Times Literary Supplement. 4/16/2020. I googled her of course, found her old website, and then from there to yours. What I also found is that her book has never been reviewed by any major paper in the US. Not the New York Times, the Washington Post, the New York Review of Books, none of the magazines.....
Am I right? Is there some sort of black out on this? I would think after all the stuff on the RC's, and the nasty on the ultra-Ortthodox Jews in Las Vegas, , this would be grist to many mills.
Thanks for your time. I am going to enjoy your site.
1 reply · active 645 weeks ago
Can you tell me what happened to the rest of the blog for the past 3 years on Charles Savage, I am looking for the comments from Donald Weaver and I can't find them. This may be evidence for the defense. Thanks!
nancy drew's avatar

nancy drew · 630 weeks ago

I feel the same as you! I may not be as technically savvy. I wish to comment on the Alois Bell bitch and the fact that she got this woman fired. How can I add my voice to this outrage?
We have clergy sex abuse in Australia too, with an Australian Royal Commission just getting started.

There is also a separate NSW Commission of Inquiry into cover ups in the Catholic Church in the state of NSW:

I know you have enough to worry about, tracking what goes on in the US, but I thought you might be interested.
You seem to have fun insinuating all Christians, especially preachers are somehow corrupt. There is an old saying. Do me a small favor, Don't blame me for everything another Christian does. I'll do you a gigantic favor and not blame you for everything a non-christian does.
1 reply · active 607 weeks ago
Deep thoughts, huh?
1 reply · active 607 weeks ago
is there anyway to check on a young man that might have been sent to actc in fort dodge against his will? He would only be 17... and has been missing from home, some people in his life have been in contact with me and mentioned that he was often threatened to be sent there... but no one has heard from him or seen him. many are very concerned.
Hi Mojoey. Just discovered your blog.
I think you may find this site helpful. They also have a podcast that exposes corrupt religious leaders. They are actually Christians that exist outside of the institutional church system.
Hi Mojoey,
My husband and I am devout Christians but we cannot find a church in which the pastors and leadership is not practicing in immorality. I have an article about the common church of today: I have read some of your answers to some questions that others have posted and see that you too have an expectation of how people should live who are "Christians". I am sorry to see that the perverseness of these Christians has turned your heart away. It has turned the Lord's heart away too. There is a verse in the book of Revelation that says that "I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews but they are not Jews, they are of the synagogue of Satan. (Rev 2:9)". This is the church today. I don't blame you for not wanting to be a part of it. We don't either and neither does Christ, He is not in it. We have many other Christian friends who live upright, not as these people who live in defilement and call themselves Christians. Thank you for providing this list for all to see. I am sincerely sorry that people have made the name of Christ so slanderous. This is not God. This is man.

Please visit our blogs as I think you would be interested in what my article has to say on the lusts in the church:, - This is our family blog. We are the Christians who are against the ways of the church today - we have no part of it. If you would like to converse, my husband would love to talk with you. He had a head injury himself in 1989. He's writing a book against the immorality of the church today. I am as well. You are welcome to write us. Take care and I know you are an atheist, but I'll be praying that you find the true God one day. It's not in the church. Hadassah
winterbean, 95688's avatar

winterbean, 95688 · 575 weeks ago

I just found your "Deep Thoughts" blog because you have been keeping track of Mark Lewis (very well btw) and love the whole idea of it. Whether you are a believer or not, this is very important and I think a tally SHOULD be made. I believe in God but do not really affiliate with a church because I know of so many messed up stories on my own, whether by witnessing them or hearing from others and their experiences (Baptist and Catholic). Shame on the corrupt for thinking they are safe under a born-again prayer. Morality does not just come from the Bible and I fully believe God feels the same. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton, Historian and Moralist. Thus, this is the problem with these head trippers. Thank you for this.
Trying to trace Andrew Willetts, Mom Beth, Cardiff South Wales, Uk re Rev Robert Dando.
Please reply.
1 reply · active 501 weeks ago
Anna Nimmus's avatar

Anna Nimmus · 528 weeks ago

I am the daughter of an IFB minister. He beat his children and his wife. He was a hunter and once that I can recall he threatened to shoot himself in front of all of us. He threatened suicide by MVA as well. He started a church in a small northern town but lost it, and was kicked out of IFB missionary group over a violent brutal fight with our next door neighbor. The man was twice his age and half his weight. He nearly killed the man. He lost his church when I was 5 and we were literally run out of town because the reason for the fight was that he had been caught in a blatant affair with the man's 16 year old daughter.
Anna Nimus's avatar

Anna Nimus · 528 weeks ago

Oh, I left the Baptist church and tried every denomination and religion I could find. None fit me. The Bible does say that Narrow is the way and few there be that find it. That told me church or major religion couldn't be "the way". So I left all that behind me and try to live by the Bible and worship the G-D of the Bible.
2 replies · active 518 weeks ago
To be fair to Christians _and_ should provide a list of both Clergy _and_ non-believers child abuse.

Else I simply cannot take you serious. Yes child molestation is 100% wrong...NO MATTER if it's done by a clergy or atheist.

If you don't want to do list both're simply out on an personal pursuit of people who believe differently from your life philosophy...and such people who are only focused on those of opposition when it comes to right or wrong - simply deserves no respect and should not be listened to at all !!
1 reply · active 518 weeks ago
george hunter's avatar

george hunter · 515 weeks ago

I need help. i just discovered this site and with help can expose a corrupt gang of thugs that hide in a baptist church in Ironton. life is in danger, my children have been indoctrinated, my businesses infiltrated and extorted down to slavery. personal property stolen., bullied and sued out of 100s of thousands of dollars . I was set up and tricked into building a house only to be declared a gay and thrown off property with an addendum to contract ( unpreformable). i have evidence . i am a witness and i can with help save myself from the poverty and hopeless situation. These people have above the law power and have tried to murder me by accident . they have goons, judges, lawyers, ppl on city council and building dept. . police dept and sheriff dept . My tax return allowed me to stay in my house for a few more months . im real scared about being homeless because im gettin old and will die . should i post way to contact me ?if they see this post it means big trouble again.
Robert Bass's avatar

Robert Bass · 454 weeks ago

You don't have to believe in any religion. There are so many.....BUT, you cannot explain why their are male and females can you? If there were no God, then we would have been Asexual and self reproduced. We would not have had the complexity we have as a species.
This planet alone was here for a reason. 1000 miles closer to the sun and we would burn, 1000 miles further out and we would freeze. If the moon wasn't there we wouldn't even exist.
You don't believe in at least a plan? A plan set forth by something that was vastly superior than us?
1 reply · active 454 weeks ago

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