This blog accepts articles written by other writes in two categories, original content and guest posts.
Original Content:
If you have an idea for an article, please start the process by submitting a synopsis of your idea. If it fits the general theme of my blog and is well written, I will publish it. You get a byline and a link back to your blog or website. Submissions should be focused on one of these themes: Atheism, Theism, Religion, Clergy Sexual Abuse, Blogging, Photography, Popular Culture, Book and Product Reviews, and art. Of course, these are just a few of the things I post on, so don't be afraid to submit an idea in another category.
A word on poetry - I love poetry. If you write good poetry and would like to publish it here, please submit it.
A word about photography - I love photography. If you take good photos and would like to publish one here. Please submit it.
Guest Posts:
I spend a great deal of time documenting religious hypocrisy. Several of my readers suggested that I paint an entirely to negative image of Christianity by doing so. That is not my intent. Until recently, it was not something I thought about much. People I care about brought it to my attention, so I’ve given it some thought and changed my mind. I don’t like being a source of wholly negative information. It’s depressing.
I will accept guest posts from people with an uplifting story to tell. I have a few rules.
- The stories must not preach to atheists. I’m not interesting in using my blog for proselytizing. I don’t try to convert Christians (or any other religion); I expect the same courtesy in return.
- I can refusal your submission.
- Submissions are subject to my copyright notice (Creative Commons).
- Submissions must have a title.
- Submission must have an author who I can credit for the submission.
- Cross posts are okay.
- Previously published content is okay.
How to submit a story:
- Send me an email at
- Put Story Submission in the subject line of the email.
- Include the full text of the story in the body of the email.
- If linking to a news story, please be sure to include the hyperlinks.
James Smith 55p · 658 weeks ago
Wayne · 640 weeks ago
wayne · 640 weeks ago
poo · 576 weeks ago
george hunter · 510 weeks ago
Craig · 624 weeks ago
Not to sound arrogant or anything, but your premise is sincerely illogical. You made the jump from a finding morality through God to the morality be based on the holiness of the pastors/ministers/clergy, etc. This is quite illogical. It is also just a very old heresy in the Church (just rephrased to your specific circumstances). The morality of God, the holiness of the Church, etc. does not hinge on the holiness of those in it or those who are the ministers/pastors/clergy. Christianity has never made this statement, nor does it believe this. The Donatists tried condemning St. Augustine for this very reason (to no avail). The Church is holy, even if the people aren't holy in it. Jesus knew this. That's why he pick Peter as his first leader, giving him the keys. This is the same Peter who denied him three times. I truly wish people would be more logical, as much of what I see as conversation on Facebook, debates, etc. are largely based on feelings and circumstances and have little to do with having a good, logical argument. Too many fallacies rampant on the internet and in our culture.
Mojoey 107p · 624 weeks ago
Patches · 621 weeks ago
Guest · 573 weeks ago
Joe Bananas · 579 weeks ago
Rosie · 616 weeks ago
I find it quite sad that YOU and OTHER atheists are ONLY concerned about predators that claim to be affiliated with a church. What about all those out there who are not and are just as bad or worse???????????? Lets just IGNORE them because they do not claim any church or christian affiliation.
I highly doubt that the NUMBER of people not affiliated with any church is less that those that are.
Lets hear about those sick immoral atheistic perverts. I am sure your blog would be overwhelmed with them. You people are so obviously prejudiced that you will NEVER receive the support of me or anyone else affiliated with the true Christian Faith.
It would be nice to see representation of ALL SICK PERVERTS not just those who claim an affiliation to any church.
T. Hill · 607 weeks ago
You seem to have a grand ole time pointing out the failures of some as an indictment of all.
There is an old saying: Do me a small favor and Don't blame me for what another Christian(or so-called Christian) does. I will do you a gigantic favor and not blame you for what other non-Christians do.
Deep Thoughts, huh?
Nadeem Anthony · 578 weeks ago
Your blog is good specially highlighting the issues of blasphemy in Pakistan. Good work keep it up!
mikespeir 65p · 575 weeks ago
concern for vics · 500 weeks ago
Mojoey 107p · 499 weeks ago
guest · 356 weeks ago