Friday, January 27, 2012

Pastor Matthew Clark arrested

Matthew clark

We all face choices. Our choices define us. We can choose to be good and honorable, or can follow a darker path. We can turn our back to family and friends and purse our darkest desires. Ask pastor Matthew Preston Clark. He's a married father and senior pastor at the Blessed Assurance Temple in Bartow. He was arrested for soliciting a lewd act in a public park. Decoding this, we learn that a supposed man of God is living a lie. It's a sad story, and unfortunately, one that is repeated here on Deep Thoughts month after month.

How does a pastor, or anyone for that matter, live a lie so out of sync reality? Hypocrisy is horrible, but not being true to yourself is a greater evil. Truth is lost. The lies touch so many people. It's all so sad, and predictable.