Thursday, February 27, 2014
Baptist pastor Kevin Lohse arrested
Woodlawn Baptist Church is part of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Former pastor Kevin Lohse admitted to exposing himself. He had his seven-year-old son with him at the time.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Update on Pastor Mark Lewis case
The mother of the deceased wife of Pastor Mark Lewis shared stories of her daughters spousal abuse with Soroptimists International of Vacaville this week. Patricia Hunter last saw her daughter about a month before her death. Her daughter's death was ruled a suicide. I don't believe it was suicide. I believe the case should be reopened. I believe that the authorities should look at Pastor Mark Lewis. So do a lot of other people. 20/20 was on hand to film the event.
According to Hunter, one out of every four women will be victims of domestic violence in their lifetime. Mark Lewis, was convicted of felony spousal abuse 15 years ago, Solano County Superior Court Judge Peter B. Foor confirmed during a Feb 18 hearing. Lewis ultimately plead to and served probation for the abuse charge, his attorney noted. Hunter doesn't believe the conviction was the only time her daughter endured abuse, though.
"I don't know how many visits to the hospital my daughter made," she said emotionally. "I know of three. I don't know how many she kept from me."
Source: Mother shares story of abuse: Details relationship daughter endured with embattled Vacaville pastor
I recommend reading the whole article. It’s fascinating. I learned that Lewis had a prior conviction for felony spousal abuse. I wonder if his congregation knew this and continued to support him?
Pastor Mark Lewis is setting in jail on charges the he conspired to firebomb his ex-girlfriends house and that he lied about source of funds used to secure his bail.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Pastor Ronald Norris arrested
Pastor Ronald Norris, Pastor of “The Church” on East Main Street in Spartanburg, was arrested for sexually abusing a teenage girl.
A school official notified a Special Victims Unit investigator that a teen told her she'd been sexually abused by Ronald Norris, 27, of Roebuck, according to Spartanburg County investigators.
After collecting statements from the girl and her family, the investigator approached Norris and he immediately invoked his right to an attorney. He is charged with criminal sexual conduct, third degree.
I’m sure we will hear more about this case as it develops.

Pastor David Yonggi Cho sentenced
Pastor David Yonggi Cho, founding pastor of the world’s largest Pentecostal congregation known as the Yoido Full Gospel Church, was sentenced to three years in prison for embezzling $12 million dollars.
Last Thursday, the Seoul pastor was convicted of embezzlement as part of a scheme in which he arranged for the church to buy stock from his son Cho Hee-jun at more than three times the market price. Hee-jun was sentenced to three years in prison for colluding with his father. Hee-jun, 49, previously served as chairman of the Yeongsan Christian Cultural Center.
Source: Founder of World’s Largest Megachurch Convicted of Embezzling $12 million
I’m surrounded by Korean churches where I live, including a large branch of this church called the Assemblies of God Thanksgiving Church. It looks like I have a few new talking points when they come by the house to invite me to the English language services. Korean Christians are every bit as persistent as the Mormons and JWs, plus that hog all the seats at Paul’s Place on Sunday morning.

Pastor George Spencer pleaded guilty
Pastor George Spencer, profiled here, pleaded guilty to child molestations charges and will serve seven years in prison. Spencer was an associate pastor at Greater Works CME Church is south Kansas City.
The girl said Spencer groped her and made her take off her shirt and bra, according to court documents. He put his hands down her pants, sodomized her with his finger and exposed his genitals, the documents said. Spencer told the girl that he could get in a lot of trouble for his actions.
Source: Former Kansas City pastor pleads guilty to child molestation by Matt Campell
Seven years does not seem like enough in this case. Spencer was a convicted sex offender and was hired by his church anyway because… well fuck because. Hiring him simply created more victims.

Monday, February 24, 2014
Baptist youth pastor Adam Epperson arrested
Youth pastor Adam Epperson, of Raymond Road Baptist Church and Central Hinds Academy, was arrested on one count of gratification of lust while in a position of authority. His alleged victim was 14-year-old male.
Pastor Jonathan Russell said in a statement that he found out about the allegations on Jan. 31, at which point he reported them to the Department of Human Services. He met with Epperson the next day, and Epperson denied the allegations.
“It became apparent that the investigation was going to take some time. After further discussion with the staff member, we determined that it would be in the best interest of the church and all parties involved if the staff member were to resign from his position at our church,” Russell said in a statement.
Source: Metro area youth pastor arrested on gratification charges
Gratification... that sounds bad.
Raymond Road Baptist Church is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention
Technorati Tags: Baptists, Clergy Sexual Abuse, Pedophiles, Southern Baptists

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Rev. John Roebuck accused of grabbing a man's junk
Reverend John Roebuck of Saint Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church in Landsdale, allegedly grabbed a guy’s junk in a YMCA locker room. The victim did not appreciate the contact. I’m thinking Roebuck might be gay.
John H. Roebuck, 64 — a parochial vicar at Saint Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church in Lansdale until December, when he was placed on administrative leave by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia — waived charges of second-degree misdemeanor indecent assault and summary harassment on Feb. 11 before District Judge Albert Augustine of Skippack.
The story...
After exiting the sauna just before 7 p.m., the victim went to a sink outside the sauna to wash his face when he saw Roebuck standing several feet behind him, and he began walking away from the sink area and told Roebuck, “See you later,” the complaint states.
At that point, the complaint states, Roebuck shook the man’s hand and again pulled the victim close to him, this time grabbing the man’s genitals with his other hand and asking, “Do you want to?”
Saunas... Remember to protect your junk in the sauna if a Catholic priest is around. Ewww.
I had a guy rub my belly at random once, but that was only slightly awkward and not sexual at all. I was in China visiting a shrine to Buddha and he thought I looked a lot like the statue of Buddha, so he rubbed my belly for luck. It’s a Chinese thing. Of course, if he had grabbed my junk I would have fainted.

Reverend Philip Briganti arrested
Retired Catholic priest Rev. Phillip Briganti allegedly sexually assaulted an adult male on a bus after officiating a wedding.
I don't make this stuff up.
A charge of criminal sexual contact that was filed Thursday against the 67-year-old cleric was announced Friday in a joint release by acting Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp and Randolph Police Chief David Stokoe.
Briganti is a retired Paterson Diocesan priest who presently lives in El Paso, Texas. He had briefly returned to officiate a wedding at St. Paul’s Church in Prospect Park, Bergen County, on Nov. 9, 2013. After the wedding reception, Briganti was allegedly on a bus with the adult victim traveling to a hotel when he “engaged in unwanted sexual contact” with the victim, according to the release.
Source: Retired pastor of Mendham church charged with criminal sexual contact
Rev. Briganti served as the pastor St. Joseph’s Parish in Mendham which is part of the Diocese of Paterson.
Technorati Tags: Catholics, Clergy Sexual Abuse

Update on the pastor Mark Hooper case
Sentencing was delayed for Elk County pastor Pastor Mark Hooper and his wife Susan Hooper who pleaded no contest to charges that they deliberately underfed their adoptive children. Their adoptive daughter was nine years old and weighed only 31 pounds at the time the abuse was noticed. She was diagnosed with malnutrition.
Mark Hooper was the pastor at Cobb Street Baptist church in Johnsonburg, Elk County Pennsylvania. The church is an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) Church. The church website has been taken down.
Hooper is also a member of the Hall of Shame.
Technorati Tags: Baptists, Clergy Crime, IFB

Youth pastor Charles Pittman arrested for murder
I held off posting this story for a few days to let it develop. It getting worse with age. Youth pastor Charles Pittman of Providence Baptist Church in Alamo, Tn, was arrested on murder charges stemming from the death of his fiancé. He alleged rigged the murder scene to look like a suicide. His church is shocked.
"It's shocking because he's supposed to be a good example to the community and a Christian leader. It just sets a bad example," Megan Carter, another resident, said.
"Even though I didn't know him, anybody that would've come here would've probably been a good guy," Taylor Pillow, a former member at Providence Baptist Church, said.
"If he's a nice guy, not on drugs, doesn't smoke," Pillow said
Providence Baptist Church released a statement:
"We were deeply saddened by the news of the death of Olivia Greenlee and as a church body we are praying for the family and friends and will continue praying for them in the days ahead. We have been informed of the arrest of Charlie Pittman, our Youth and Children's Minister. We will pray for Brother Charlie and his family and friends. At this time, we have no further comment other than to reiterate our concern for the family and friends of Olivia during this tragic loss of such an awesome, young Christian lady. As a church, we will be praying for all parties involved."
The murder victim was Olivia Greenlee. She was found in what authorities say was a staged scene that made it look like she killed herself. The police have not release a motive. My guess is that he likes to play the victim. His whole “Jesus Freak” story sounds fishy.
I am not sure what type of Baptist Providence Baptist Church is. I could use some help. If anyone know, please post it in the comments. The only contact information I have for the church is resolves to BancorpSouth, so that was a dead end. I’ve sent an inquiry.
Baptist Providence is a member of the Souther Baptist Convention. Thanks tipsters!

Youth pastor Joseph Todd Neill pleads guilty to child porn charges
Former Baptist youth pastor Joseph Todd Neill, of North Fork Baptist Church in Shelbyville, admitted to possessing violent and sadistic images of child pornography in a plea deal. He faces 20 years in prison. Neil still faces trail for the sexual exploitation of a minor and statuary rape by an authority figure.
Former North Fork Baptist Church youth minister Joseph Todd Neill, 37, agreed to plead guilty to a charge of possession of child pornography on Feb. 13. The plea agreement was filed Thursday.
Neill faces up to 20 years in prison. There has not yet been a plea hearing scheduled.
The child porn images were discovered when Shelbyville police began investigating charges that Neill had seduced and had sexual contact at least twice with a 17-year-old female church member.
There were 72 images:
Among the images, 32 included children. One image was of a child under the age of 12. Seven images depicted violent child rape. One image depicted bondage and child rape. At least one child pictured was a known victim of molestation from age 5 until 9, according to police. Nine of the images were cartoons depicting minors in sexual activity, and 26 showed minors in minimal clothing or lingerie.
The images were discovered during a forensic investigation linked to the investigation of alleged statutory rape.
According to Detective Sgt. Brian Crews of the Shelbyville Police Department, Neill's phones were seized in January during their investigation of the original charges. Crews asked for forensic help from the TBI to see if any evidence had been deleted from the phones, and text messages were recovered to and from the alleged victim.
But during that testing, TBI agents also recovered a number of files and images with minors in sexual situations.
Neill was arrested in September 2013.

Youth pastor Tyler Bliss arrested for child porn
Youth pastor Tyler Bliss of Bethel Church in Oakdale was arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography.
Ceres police spokeswoman Carissa Higginbotham said that while pornography was located on the computer Bliss uses at the church, no other church employees or parishioners are suspected to be involved.
Higginbotham said detectives are trying to determine where the images originated.
Source: Police: Child porn found on home, church computers of Oakdale youth pastor
Police also found images on his home computer. They are not sure if Bliss created the images or if he acquired them.
Bethel Church is an Assemblies of God church located in Oakdale, California. I could not located an official statement from the church. Tyler Bliss was removed from the church website.
Technorati Tags: Clergy Sexual Abuse, Pedophiles, Child Porn

Pastor Mark Lewis to remain in jail
Baptist pastor Mark Lewis has given up on bail and will remain in Jail pending his trail on a long list of allegations connected to the firebombing of his ex-girlfriend's home.
Lewis, the pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, initially was arrested following the Jan. 9 firebombing of his ex-girlfriend's home on Chateau Circle, also in Vacaville. Six people, including three children, were asleep inside the residence at the time, but no injuries were reported, police said.
Three others were also arrested in connection with the firebombing. Kristen Broyles, 30, of Citrus Heights, and Sacramento residents Anthony Newbolt, 33, and Richerd Wright, 28, have all pleaded not guilty to felony charges of arson of an inhabited structure and possession of flammable or explosive material. They remain in Solano County Jail custody, with bail set at $150,000, $155,000 and $290,000, respectively.
Source: Vacaville Pastor remains in jail by Ryan Chalk
His congregation at Fellowship Baptist Church had been selling off his possessions and church property in an attempt to raise his bail. That must not have worked very well.
Technorati Tags: Baptists, Christians, Clergy Crime

Saturday, February 22, 2014
Well duh pastor Michael Todd Abromovich
"Street" pastor Michael Todd Abromovich, profiled here, was arrested a few weeks ago for posing as a U.S. Marshal and then handcuffing and robbing men he lured to a hotel for sex. Apparently, pastor Abromovich has a substance abuse problem and wants out of jail so he can seek treatment. Um... I don't think that's a good idea.
She said if Abromovich was released, he planned to check into a Salvation Army substance abuse program in Denver. Judge James Breese said Abromovich deserved a slight reduction in his bond, to $65,000, for acknowledging his problem.
Prosecutors argued against releasing him because they say he has four previous felony convictions. Through his lawyer, Abromovich said none of his previous offenses were violent and the latest was seven years ago.
Source: Street ministry pastor accused of posing as US Marshal says he has substance abuse problem
That's right. Pastor Abromovich is one of those pastors who was a criminal and addict who was reborn though belief in Christ. He fell right back into his old lifestyle once real life intruded on his fairy tail. It’s as if the magic of a conversion would somehow fix his drug addiction. Keep this bastard in jail until his trail. He preys on gay men in risky situations. It would not take much for a victim to be serially hurt or even killed. Keep the public safe. Keep this asshole in jail.

HIV-spreading pastor Craig Lamar Davis get 10 years
Baptist Pastor Craig Lamar Davis, profiled here, was sentenced to 10 years for not telling his sexual partners of his HIV status. He infected at least two women.
This case pisses me off for a couple of reasons. The conduct of this pastor up until the moment of his conviction is deplorable. He denied having HIV. He denied having sexual relationships with the women he infected. He denied HIV was real. He even denied being a pastor. For a pastor facing irrefutable DNA evidence linking him to his crimes, he acted like a unrepentant child and his church backed him up while going after the victims. It was horrifying to watch.
What's worse is that this supposed man of God should not have been engaging in premarital sex at all. As a spiritual leader, he should have shown his flock proper Christian behavior towards women and relationships. Instead, he acted like a rutting male and bedded whoever would sleep with him. When his crimes caught up with him, his church protected him as if he were somehow above reproach. The hypocrisy is simply mind blowing.
And now pastor Craig Lamar Davis is sorry. The man is a complete and total ass.
Before he was sentenced on Friday, Davis took the stand and apologized, saying that he wishes he could turn back time.
"I take full responsibility for everything that has gone on," Davis said. "My heart truly goes out to her daughters. Bad decisions. Very bad decisions. And I opened the door for a lot of people to be hurt."
Do you know what I wish pastor Davis? I wish you had told the truth just once in this process. There is no reason to believe your words now.
Technorati Tags: Clergy Crime, Clergy Sexual Abuse, HIV, Baptists

Update on the Pastor Mark Lewis case
Pastor Mark Lewis is sitting in jail because he cannot raise one million dollars bail. His congregation is selling church property and his possessions in an effort to raise bail.
Fellowship Baptist Church Pastor Mark Lewis remains behind bars on more than $1 million bail, accused of putting three people up to firebombing his ex-girlfriend’s home.
The pastor was rearrested after bailing out the first time for allegedly fraudulently registering his church, which was used as bail collateral.
Sarah Bongard is one of the jailed pastor’s devoted parishioners. She says the church needs the money to help it’s leader.
“It’s been a little rough, but God’s working it out, we know that,” she said. “Knowing that he’s in control, even of getting our pastor out and restoring our church to what it should be.”
Source:Vacaville Congregation Selling Property To Pay Pastor’s Bail
I wish knew about this beforehand, I would have bought one of his bibles to add to my collection of holy books owned by corrupt men of God. I would have bid as high as a dollar.

Update on the pastor Roy Harriger case
Pastor Roy Harriger, profiled here, was charged with criminal possession of a firearm along with the original child molestation charges. Harriger was in possession of an unregistered revolver at the time of his arrested.

Pastor Charles Luke Jr., arrested
Pastor Charles Luke Jr., was arrested for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old girl. Luke was charged child molestation and statutory rape.
Charles Luke Jr., 42, pastor of New Jerusalem Church in Moultrie, was charged with one count of child molestation and one count of statutory rape, said Chris Robinson, investigator with the Colquitt County Sheriff’s Office.
Robinson said a 14-year-old girl reported to a local medical office that she had been sexually molested over the weekend by Luke. The Department of Family and Children’s Services also became involved, Robinson said, and reported the allegation to law enforcement officials.
There are several unconfirmed reports that Luke was also arrested for rape when he was pastor at First African Baptist in Sylvester, GA.
Posted by Brenda Ellison:
This is not his first time with allegations of this kind. He was once my minister at First African Baptist in Sylvester, GA and was accused of rape a few years ago. Don't know what happened with that.
Posted by Inez Brown:
This is the same man that was accused of rape a few years ago. Don't people listen to the news. You can’t trust everyone who lift up their hands and shout praise the Lord.
I am looking for links to Luke’s earlier arrest. If you know of any, please post them in the comments or email them to me if you have any additional information.

I don't think agape means what you think it means
Agape (Greek) is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the bible.
When I see it used on signage, I think of agape - (of the mouth) wide open, esp. with surprise or wonder. Wonder at the misuse of the word.
Terry Firma of the Friendly Atheist posted on abuse at Agape Mission House and Agape Home Church in Los Angeles recently. It left my mouth agape in wonder.
The Christian proprietors of an assisted-living facility in Los Angeles stand accused of, among other things, retaliating against the disabled they served if their clients didn’t attend religious services.
Kang Won Lee and Jung Hwan Lee, husband and wife, own the two houses in Los Angeles’ historic Adams district that became the subject of a lawsuit filed by the office of L.A. City Attorney Mike Feuer the other day. The Lees ran the two homes, Agape Mission House and Agape Home Church, as unlicensed facilities for the physically and mentally disabled, the city alleges. The couple had the properties licensed as charities.
Read more:
To summarize - Christians ran a charity that victimized physically and mentally disabled people. If run properly, these charities are the very definition of agape, if not, they can be pure evil.
Swarms of flies filled the living areas. Broken furniture was scattered, bedroom doors were missing and plaster was falling off the walls, according to court documents.
Some residents slept in bunk beds, crowded into small rooms, with 1-inch pads instead of mattresses. One resident lived in a “storage room” and others in an attic.
On Tuesday, L.A. City Atty. Mike Feuer said his office had filed a lawsuit against the two unlicensed assisted-care facilities for allegedly abusing their physically and mentally disabled residents by forcing them to live in “deplorable, overcrowded and substandard living conditions,” taking the residents’ government benefits.
Source:Residents are moved out of assisted care homes sued for alleged abuse (L.A. Times)
The owners of both units are pastor Kang Won Lee and his wife Jung Hwan Lee, stellar members of the Los Angeles Korean community.
For those who do not know, residential homes can be a scam. Residents surrender their government assistance to the home, which then provide services. Homes are licensed to care for a limited number of residents, but in abuse cases they often crowd the house with 20 or 30 people who live in squalor. The residents never see any of the money they are entitled to, but are instead provided “services” that are supposed to help them recover or are meant to sustain their lives. In this case, living at an Agape center was like being sentenced to an unsupervised prison where the services were contingent on reading the bible and participating in other religious activities. When residents failed to cooperate, they were punished.
I have visited Christian group homes that are subsidized by a larger Church. They were wonderful places. This story makes me sad, but at the same time if leaves me disappointed. I looked hard for condemnation from the Christian camp and found nothing.

Pastor August Byron Kreis arrested
I use the word pastor loosely here. Pastor August Byron Kreis III, a former leader of the Aryan Nation and a member of the Christian Identity Movement, was arrested for sexually assaulting a young girl and providing obscene material to her.
He is charged in Richland County with one count of criminal sexual conduct with a minor under 16 and one count disseminating obscene material to a minor 12 years old or younger. Kreis also is charged in Lexington County, S.C., with three counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and in Kershaw County, S.C., with one count of that same crime.
It wasn’t immediately clear exactly how many child victims are involved in the six felony counts lodged against Kreis in the three South Carolina counties.
Source: Ex-Aryan Nations leader arrested for sexual abuse of children
This is where I must admit that I have a black heart. My instincts in this case would lead me to violence. It’s why I’m not a cop or never could be one. People like Kreis are hate-filled bullies who feed on pain. I’d prefer to give it to them. This is why I write instead of act. I’m not sure I could control myself if confronted with a man like Kreis. I prefer others deal with the trash.
Hat Tip to David Edwards of The Raw Story
*** Update 2/22/2014
Pastor August Byron Kreis allegedly molested a 12-year-old relative.

Friday, February 21, 2014
Pastor Timothy Jones arrested
Pastor Timothy P. Jones, of New Bethel Baptist Church, was arrested for domestic assault.
Police said the incident started when the couple started arguing hours before at Jones’ apartment on Irving Street and she left to go to the church, where she was staying.
In Framingham District Court Monday, Assistant District Attorney Nate Burris described how Jones later went to the church, they argued and he hit her with a fist and open hand.
Fist. Check.
Open Hand. Check.
Pastor beats girlfriend in church… what an asshole.
Not to worry though, Pastor Jones is still leading his church even though he has no moral authority to do so. Get this quote…police said Jones was “escorted to the ground.” That’s epic!
Jones, police said, was arrested trying to escape the scene at his Beech Street church, where he has ministered for nearly a decade. Officers found him about a block away on Franklin Street.
They ordered Jones to show his hands, and he refused, responding by swearing aggressively, the police report said. He continued to ignore orders and took what officers said in their report was “an offensive posture.” So, the report said, Jones was “escorted to the ground.”
Jones continued to struggle and swear, telling officers that he was a pastor, that they would be sorry, that “God would judge” them, the report said.
Don’t arrest me or God will get you? People listen to this guy?

Tear down these churches
I complain that Christians do not do enough to speak out against the corruption and abuse of power in politics and the Christian church. I complain that there are no voices, but there are. Here is one.
Visit for more.
Christian deadbeats
Terry Firma has a post up at The Friendly Atheist describing deadbeat Christians skipping out on a restaurant bill. It’s a fascinating story.
As all devout Christians know, the Lord will provide.
To some, that includes free restaurants meals (for when the loaves and fishes run out, I guess).
Take a gander at this recent dustup at the A&G restaurant in Winter Haven, Florida. It involves a woman named Ruthena Lewis, 44, and her 78-year-old mother Willie, who went there for breakfast last month.
Read more.
I’ve run into this a few times in my life. It always blows my mind. These people are stealing. It is as simple as that.

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Cookies for Waco
I love Waco, Texas. I visited a few times over the years. My first experience was the joy of a Christian fundie protest outside of a package goods store. They gave me hell for buying a bottle of JD. Over the years I’ve learned to watch the news for fun die nutballs out of Waco. It is like fundies breed in Waco. This time the fundie nutballs focused on Girl Scouts and their crack-like cookies. They miscalculated though.
Texans Rally to Protect Girl Scouts From Waco Wackos
So Pro-Life Waco began what they call CookieCott 2014 - a boycott of Girl Scout cookies – all because they don’t want girls to look up to strong pro-life leaders like Wendy Davis. FOX News picked up the story, and the American Family Association soon hopped on board, posting on their website:
“It’s hard to say no to those little girls in the green and brown sashes, but buying Girl Scout cookies serves only to further facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda.”
My reason for boycotting Girl Scout Cookies is all about the Tagalongs they have on my waistline and glucose readings. I still buy the damn things. I can’t say no to little girls with cookies. Who can? For those who claim the boycott has something to do with a Liberal Agenda, I call bullshit. I mean seriously, what does a nine-year-old girl know of liberal versus conservative politics. The notion is idiotic as are the people perpetuating this nonsense.
Cookiecott2014 is stupid. Tell your friends to buy an extra package of Thin Mints to show your support.
My favorite Girl Scout cookies are Samoas. If left alone, I can eat a whole pack. I never once think of liberal values while doing so.

Cardinal Roger Mahony lied
LA Archbishop Cardinal Roger Mahony lied to investigators by withholding a list of allegedly abused alter boys. Now why would a good Catholic do that?
When Los Angeles police were investigating allegations of child abuse by a Roman Catholic priest in 1988, they asked for a list of altar boys at the last parish where the priest worked.
Archbishop Roger Mahony told a subordinate not to give the list, saying he didn’t want the boys to be scarred by the investigation and that he felt the altar boys were too old to be potential victims, according to a deposition made public on Wednesday.
The detectives investigating allegations against Nicolás Aguilar Rivera, a visiting Mexican priest, ultimately got the names of the boys from parish families. They determined that the priest molested at least 26 boys in his 10 months in Los Angeles, according to the priest’s confidential archdiocese file and police records made public by attorneys for the victims.
Source: La archbishop withheld list of allegedly abused altar boys as police investigated
Who benefited from the omission? It seems obvious is that the answer is the Catholic church. That is disgusting. Mahony should be prosecuted.
More here.

Catholic bling bling
Two stories of Catholic excess hit the press recently:
Newark archbishop's future retirement home undergoing a $500K addition
The 4,500-square-foot home sits on 8.2 wooded acres in the hills of Hunterdon County. With five bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a three-car garage and a big outdoor pool, it’s valued at nearly $800,000, records show.
But it’s not quite roomy enough for Newark Archbishop John J. Myers.
Bling bishop used charity millions for HQ: report
Bishop of Limburg Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst was suspended by Pope Francis in October after public anger and a media storm over the spending on his headquarters in Hesse, central Germany.
It led him to be dubbed the “Bishop of Bling”.
A church investigation into the spending, which included €350,000 on wardrobes, is expected to be published in the coming days.
Both case are egregious examples of financial excess. Does a retired archbishop really need a mansion for his retirement? It flies in the face of church dedicated to charity. The Bishop of Bling, well all I can say is wtf!

More Catholic hate
I do not even think Catholics see themselves as haters, but we all know that they are because of what they do. Their actions are so petty and wrongheaded.
Catholic school won't renew contract for coach
A Roman Catholic high school in Montana isn't renewing the contract of an assistant softball coach because she took a job at Planned Parenthood, the coach and superintendent said.
Tarn Duff, 26, said Billings Central head coach Coleman Rockwell informed her Monday morning that she would not be helping with the team this spring. She received about $1,500 for coaching hitters and outfielders during the 2013 season after serving as a volunteer coach in 2012.
So Tarn Duff worked at Planned Parenthood. It’s not like she’s there doing abortions. She “pulls charts and schedule appointments.” What are these people thinking?

Seven years in prison is not enough for the Schaibles
Herbert and Catherine Schaible, profiled here, will serve up to seven years in prison for allowing their seven-month-old son to die of pneumonia. Kent was their second child do die because of the Schaible's reliance on faith healing. Both children could have lived if given a simple course of antibiotics.
“My religious beliefs are that you should pray, and not have to use medicine. But because it is against the law, then whatever sentence you give me, I will accept,” Catherine Schaible, 44, told the judge, adding that her beliefs have since changed.
The Schaibles are third-generation members of an insular Pentecostal community, the First Century Gospel Church in northeast Philadelphia, where they also taught at the church school.
At least six of their children are protected from their religious idiocy for now and the Schaibles cannot produce any more of their own while in prison.

Sunday, February 16, 2014
Pastor Bobby Burrell found not guilty
I did not track this case because it seemed petty and without merit.
Pastor Bobby Burrell was arrested after a youth at his church walked in on him while he was masturbating in a bathroom. He was accused of worse.
The verdict marks the end of a long wait for Bobby Burrell who has been under investigation since October of 2012 for the accusations. His accuser claimed Burrell took him to his church, showed him porn, and then began to touch himself in front of him.
After the verdict came back it was jubilation for the friends and family members of Burrell, who from the get go, stood by his side saying this isn't something he would do. Burrell admitted to masturbating in the church, but said it was never in front of his accuser. He said his accuser, instead, walked in on him when he was doing the act in the church's bathroom. His attorney said morally he made a mistake, but now he is innocent.
Source: Bobby Burrell found not guilty of child sexual abuse
There is more on the original arrest here.

Youth pastor Joshua Earls sentenced
Baptist youth pastor Joshua Earls, profiled here, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for receiving child pornography.
The backstory:
In April 2013, Jane Doe disclosed the nature of her relationship with Earls to the Garland Police Department. On April 9, 2013, law enforcement executed a search of Earl's residence and seized several computers. An examination of those computers resulted in identifying more than 600 images of child pornography, including images of Jane Doe.
Earls admitted that he exchanged nude pictures and videos with Jane Doe and possessed videos of her engaging in sexually explicit conduct, at his request. A forensic examination of Earls' cell phone revealed text messaging between Earls and Jane Doe, in which he solicits, encourages and persuades her to produce pornographic images of herself and send them to him.
This was the work of a Baptist youth pastor. The man is nauseating. The culture that produces these predators is a problem. What I learned recently is people like Earls have a hard time holding on to their teeth and their junk when doing time in Federal prison. Earls is in for a long and hard 12 years.

Pastor Ray McKelvey pleaded guilty
Pastor Ray McKelvey of Heritage Assembly Church in Des Moines pleaded guilty to charges that he sexually abused two teenage girls. Sentencing is March 24.
I don’t have much on this case. Please sent in article links if you have any.

Baptist pastor James Burton convicted
Pastor James Burton, profiled here, was convicted of molesting a young girl while he was the pastor at Greater Faith Baptist Church.
The Allen County jury reached the guilty verdicts Thursday night against 51-year-old James Burton on two counts of felony child molesting. The Journal Gazette reports jurors acquitted Burton of two less-serious molesting charges.
Prosecutors charged Burton molested the now-10-year-old girl while she was a foster child in his care from 2009 until early 2012. He was pastor of Greater Faith Baptist Church when he was arrested last year.
Enjoy prison!

Baptist youth pastor Jeffrey Strait arrested
Baptist youth pastor Jeffrey Strait connected to the First Baptist Church is Fairview Heights in Illinois was arrested for allegedly sexually abusing young boys. The victims were teenagers between 13 and 17 years of age.
The police acted to separate the acts from the church.
In a release Shiloh Police say, “We are confident that none of these acts were committed at the First Baptist Church and that no other personnel at the church knew that the offenses were being committed.”
Source: Youth minister accused of sexually abusing teens in Fairview Heights
Strait did not commit a crime at the church. The church denies that Strait had an official role with the church. So what was his role? Why was he linked to the church and in what capacity?
"He has no title and was not in any official capacity," First Baptist Church Senior Pastor Jim Kerr said in an emailed statement. He declined to be interviewed or answer questions.
Read the comment thread on this article for a fast of some Christian love.
I missed another one - Baptist pastor Gary Adkins
If I come across a case, I add it to the list. Unfortunetly, I miss a lot of cases. I missed the case of Baptist pastor Gary Adkins, who was arrested in November 2013 for sexually abusing and assaulting his 7-year-old niece.
Gary Adkins, 52, has been charged with "two counts of third-degree sexual assault (felony), and one count of sexual abuse (misdemeanor) by a parent, guardian, custodian or person in a position of trust of a child," according to West Virginia State Police Senior Trooper C.A. Allen, according to The Floyd County Times.
Until several months ago, Adkins had been a minister at Parsley Bottom Freewill Baptist Church. He had also worked as a youth leader there.
Source: West Virginia Pastor Accused of Sexually Abusing Niece
Adkin's also been accused of touching another child, who is now an adult.

One bad pastor begets another - Pastor Wiley Green Leverett
I found the case of pastor Wiley Green Leverett via the pastor Terrance King case. Leverett, pastor of the Solid Rock Community Church in Centerville, was arrested and accused of child molestation and sexual battery against girls as young as 8 years old.
Wiley Green Leverett, 53, turned himself in Monday, said Houston County sheriff’s Capt. Randall Banks, commander of juvenile investigations.
Banks said the investigation began with a report of a girl being inappropriately touched, and eventually four victims were identified. Banks said he could not say whether any were associated with Leverett’s church, Solid Rock Community Church in Centerville. Leverett also owns Leverett’s Auto Sales in Warner Robins.
Leverett is charged with three counts of child molestation, four counts of sexual battery and one count of aggravated sexual battery. Banks said that at the time of the alleged offenses, the girls ranged in age from 8 to 16.
Leverett posted bond and has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Leverett, pastor of the Solid Rock Community Church, has pleaded not guilty to the charges of three counts of child molestation, four counts of sexual battery and one count of aggravated sexual battery.
Noland said Leverett “absolutely denies all these allegations.”
“He denies that he did anything wrong or inappropriate with anyone, and he has every intention of fighting these allegations in court,” Noland said.
Until his trail, you can find Leverett at the helm of his church because, he alleged molested the girls ON THE WAY to church, but nothing bad happened in church at all so its all good and he can still be a pastor. Pfft…
I missed a bad one... Pastor Terrance King
Baptist pastor Terrance King was sentenced to 30 years in prison for statutory rape, aggravated child molestation, aggravated child molestation and enticing a child for indecent purposes. King will be an old man when he gets out, but not old enough.
King, who was the pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church for about three years, took the then-15-year-old ninth-grader to a Perry hotel Nov. 13, 2012, and had sex with her.
Superior Court Judge Edward D. Lukemire also sentenced King to life on probation after he’s released from prison. The judge also banished King from Houston County and ordered him to have no contact with the victim or her family, even if King later chose to write a letter of apology.
Source: Former Hawkinsville pastor sentenced to 30 years for having sex with teen - reported December, 2013.
The case is typical of Baptist abuse, and nauseating. I love the way King’s lawyer, Nick White begged…
Public defender Nick White, who represented King, sought the minimum sentence the judge would be willing to consider. White noted that King’s actions were horrible and that he did take advantage of his position. But King also had no prior felony record and there were no allegations of other victims, White said.
“I ask you to take mercy on him,” White implored the judge.
The case should be viewed by a different standard. King was a leader in his community and should be held to a higher standard. His crime is a complete violation of trust. No mercy allowed.

Youth pastor Mellony Scarlett Lewis arrested
It is a rare thing to find a woman accused of molesting a child in her capacity as a youth pastor, but it happens. Former methodist youth pastor Mellony Scarlett Lewis was arrested and accused of molesting a 15-year-old girl.
Police say Lewis met the girl when she worked at St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Houston. Documents say Scarlett would pick the girl up on Sundays and take her to church, before bringing her back to her home in Baytown. Police say the girl's parents caught on, and the two were also caught having sex in Chambers County.
The abuse happened years ago. The victim spoke up after she learned that Lewis had access to children in her job at Children’s Museum. The actual reason sounds like it may be more complicated. We will have to wait and see.
The story is further complicated by the backstory. St. Mark's United Methodist Church fired Lewis for abusing a child, but the victim denied the abuse. It is unclear if the case was reported to authorities at the time. I’m sure there is more to the story.

Update on the youth pastor Jeff Eddie case
Pastor Jeff Eddie, profile here, apparently had so many sexual experiences with children at his church that he could not keep count.
In the sodomy complaint filed against Eddie, police said the abuse came to light after a church member walked in on Eddie with his hands up a minor's shirt. One of the victims says Eddie engaged in sex acts with him downstairs in the church's electrical room at least once a month going back to 2011, when the child was 11 years old. The incidents happened until July of last year, the child said, and then happened twice after that.
Baptist youth pastor Jeff Eddie was arrested on multiple counts of child molestation. Eddie worked at the Highland Park Baptist Church in Muscle Shoals, Ala., as the children’s minister. The church as a public statement up on its website.
Statement Regarding Former Administrative/Children’s Pastor, Jeff Eddie
Muscle Shoals, AL - February 5, 2014 - As a church, we are outraged, shocked and deeply saddened by the events that have unfolded over the last few days. First and foremost, we are striving to assist any children and families that have been affected by these events. The health and well being of these children is our number one priority at this time. For years, Highland Park Baptist Church has invested in the Shoals community and we are committed to helping our entire community cope with this situation. Anyone with any information about this case should immediately contact the Muscle Shoals Police Department. Any children or families in search of counseling may contact our church office for assistance. In closing, we want to personally thank every person that has come forward. They are heroes and should be treated as such.Highland Park Baptist Church
501 West 6th Street
Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
(p) 256.383.0394
This is a horrible case. I hope they find and help all of the alleged victims.

Pastor Charles Babler pleads not guilty
Pastor Charles Babler pleaded to not guilty to charges that he rubbed his junk on a child's foot for purposes of arousal. Wait... what?
According to court documents, sometime between Feb. 1 and March 31, 2011, Babler rubbed his genitalia against the minor’s foot for the purpose of arousal.
Aggravated criminal sexual abuse is a Class 2 felony. Probation is possible, and guilty offenders must register for mandatory lifetime classification as sexual predators.
Source: Ogle County pastor pleads not guilty to sex abuse of minor
Babler was arrested in June, 2013. I missed the story when it first happened. He entered a not guilty plea on Feb 1, 2014.
Babler had worked at the Crossroad Coumminity Church as a pastor at the Freeport and Polo Campuses.

Snake-handling pastor Jamie Coots dies
Snake-handling pastor Jamie Coots is dead. A snake bit him.
Coots starred on "Snake Salvation" alongside Pastor Andrew Hamblin, from LaFollette, who was recently in court for TWRA citations for snake-handling. The National Geographic show profiled the Pentecostal, serpent handling preachers.
Chief Sharpe said Coots was found dead in his home at about 10 p.m. Saturday after a snake allegedly bit Coots while he was handling the animal in his Middlesboro church, Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name.
He died to prove his faith in Christ. His death proved he did not have enough faith. What a stupid way to die…

Youth pastor John Hyobin arrested
Youth pastor Hyo Bin Im, A.K.A. John Hyobin, was arrested for an alleged horrible breach of trust. If true, this story qualifies as an epic Christian fail. That is to say, the youth pastor did the exact opposite of what a pastor (or human being) should do. Hyobin is alleged to have taken in teen runaways, and then raping one of the girls.
San Ramon police Lt. Tom LaRocque said Im was housing two 17-year-old girls who were reported missing from San Mateo County around the beginning of the year.
The youth pastor first met the girls at the San Francisco Salvation Army Korean Corps in 2010, LaRocque said.
Police said they found evidence at the home that the suspect had a sexual relationship with one of the teens.
Source: Pastor who allegedly housed teen runaways arrested for sex crime
Hyobin also allegedly abused a small dog which had to be euthanized. What a jerk… Hyobin worked at the Contra Cost Korean Presbyterian Church and was affiliated with The Living Well Ministries, a non-profit Hyobin created to help widows, the homeless and emancipated orphans. Authorities think there are more victims.
The story grew a little more crazy when the mother of victim asked the church for help months before the arrest.
So the church knew that their youth pastor was housing underage female runaways. They were also asked to help but did not do anything. I smell a lawsuit.

Baptist pastor kills himself leaving questions
I hate stories like this. A Baptist pastor named Allen "Tommy" Rucker, of the First Baptist Church in Dunkerton, Iowa, killed himself recently. He shot himself behind his parsonage. His friends are left to wonder why. I'm left annoyed...
Rucker was described as a "godly man" who constantly read the bible. What does this mean? Why is it important to point out that he constantly read the bible? Does reading the bible make him godly or does it somehow make him less likely to suicide? Is suicide what godly men do? How do the two reconcile? Why is it that when something like this happens people point to the good like they are offsetting the bad? Suicide is horrible. Why would a “godly man" do this? Why would a man who constantly read the bible do this? I really want to know. Does anybody know? Will anybody ever offer an answer?
I have no doubt Rucker was a good man.If he killed himself, I have no doubt he also suffered his own personal demons. I offer my condolences to his family and friends. My beef is with the reporting, or the lack of it.
Of course I risk blowback by posting. I’m sure to feel a little love soon. Like the comments posted by Elizabeth Hygema
Elizabeth Hygema posted:
Until you have walked in this man's shoe's. It is easy to talk the talk. Depression is very real and especially for someone who works in the ministry. The Devil often attacks the person who is doing the most for him. Until you have been there...Shut your mouth and have some respect for his family and his church. They are hurting right now
There is no avoiding this. I understand this.
The story was updated with more information, but nothing meaningful regarding his death.

Rebuilding trust, one victim at a time
If a church does its job right, there are no victims.
Youth pastor Shaun Michael Ross left a mess in his wake. Calvary Assembly Church is Walkersville is struggling to make things right and rebuild trust. I'm happy to hear this. People and institutions need a chance to heal.
My problem with this case is simple. When an allegation of abuse surfaced, the way it was investigated was wrong. I think the best way the church can rebuild trust is conduct itself with integrity and hold itself to an appropriate standard of conduct. Let's look at how the incident was reported in this story.
Kenney said that when he discovered his colleague was having sex with a student from their youth group, he "called Shaun Ross into my office and he and I sat down, talked to the witness, and at that time he admitted to doing this heinous act."
After the church learned of the allegations, Kenney fired Ross and "the church fully cooperated with the Maryland State Police investigation and reported the allegations to the District Council and General Council of the Assemblies of God."
Pastor John Kenney investigated the alleged crime himself before reporting it to authorities. He then confronted the witness with the accused youth pastor present. After Shaun Ross admitted to raping a teen from his youth group, the church cooperated with authorities after first firing Ross. I assume this means that Ross was reported after admitting guilt and after being fired. If so, every step of the process was wrong.
What should have happened? The church should have a process that protects victims and witnesses. The church should act to protect the weak first and should always keep in mind that by talking to a person accused of a crime, they are allowing that person to start the process of destroying evidence, seeking retribution, or causing some other type of damage. The right thing to do is to pick up the phone and call the authorities. The church can always suspend the accused pastor pending its own investigation.
Pastor Kenney seems to think rebuilding trust has something to do with vaguely reassuring the victims everything will be okay. I assert there is more to do. Show the victims how you will protect them from predators in the future. Show them your controls. Teach them how to be active participants in assuring their own safety. Show them your program. You have a program, right?

Saturday, February 15, 2014
$8.8 million pissed away at the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis
It seems like it would be a better idea to simply make the Catholic church a safe place for kids… right?
The report said the archdiocese spent $8.8 million over the past decade on costs related to clergy misconduct. That does not include settlements and other payments made by the archdiocese’s insurance company, the report said.
The archdiocese spent more than $6.2 million on cases involving misconduct with minors, assisting the victim and abuser, the report said. That includes $2.3 million for legal settlements, $1.8 million for victim support such as counseling and therapy, and $566,000 in legal fees.
Source: Archdiocese spent $8.8M on clergy misconduct; deficit: $3.8M
The money could have been better spent. It’s not like the area is free of needy families or the homeless. I can remember wondering where the money I dropped into the collection plate when. I never considered that the destination would be a lawyer. What a total waste of resources.

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Child brides in Australia
I remember growing up with tales of child brides from the backwoods of Kentucky or out in the Ozark's. The joke was that if you did not behave yourself, you would be married off to cousin Lew. We all laughed about it because child marriages only happened in third-world countries. Heck, we were kids and we knew that.
I recently read a story about a child marriage in Australia. A 12-year-old girl was living with her 26-year-old husband. They were caught when they applied for spousal benefits. To be clear - the marriage happened in Australia and was facilitated by the local Islamic culture and mosque.
I hate to say it, but the problem is both religious and cultural. I think religion, in this case Islam, reinforces the cultural aspects of the problem. Plus, Muslims feel the right to practice their religion by marrying child brides, even though the culture in Australia forbids it. In America, anyone involved would end up in prison, in Australia, I have no feel for how they would handle it. My fear is that Australia will mishandle it and we will start to think of them in third world terms. Immigration and religion caused Australia to regress. How sad is that? I don't know how Australia will fix this mess, but they must.

R.I.P. Maggie Estep
Poet Maggie Estep died this week. I was a fan of sorts. I loved your poetry. I read every one. I was not a fan of your music and I did not connect to your books. But as a poet, back when I first hear you read, in the early 90s, you were something to me. I was saddened to hear of your death.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Atheists are assholes - Music Video

Horrible Christian pastor says horrible thing
Ex-Navy Chaplain says...
“But homosexuality is a combat divider, dividing one’s reason to live while taking breaks on the combat field to change diapers all because their treacherous sin causes them to lose control of their bowels,” - Gordon Kingenschmitt
What I expect to happen never does; a long list of pastors and religious luminaries should denounce Kingenschmitt’s words as utter lunacy an as un-Christian hate speech. What will happen is the opposite. A few left-leaning media sites will pick up the story, as will a few atheist and secular bloggers, but Christian bloggers will not pay attention. I do not mean just conservative Christian bloggers and pastors either The entire Christian spectrum will be silent and this is why we have a problem. There should be other voices in this fight. Kingenschmitt’s words are horribly offensive and hate filled. They should not stand unopposed. How do we fix this?
Who covered this story?
- The Raw Story: Ex-Navy chaplain: Consequences of sin force gay soldiers to wear diapers in combat
- Right Wing Watch: Gay Soldiers Undermine The Military Because They Have To Take Breaks In The Middle Of Combat To Change Their Diapers
- What Would JT Do at Patheos: Klingenschmitt: gay soldiers have to take combat breaks to change their diapers.

Sunday, February 09, 2014
Rust never sleeps, nor does our enemy

Celebrating a decent human being
I saw this via Dave Gamble at Skeptical Science and thought I’d pass it on.
From Uintah Elementary School in the Salt Lake City School District comes the appalling news that a few dozen students where refused lunch because their school lunch accounts did not have enough money in them
Link to the story: Kenny Thompson – A decent human being:

When I hear the phrase Men of the Cloth
When I hear the phrase Men of Cloth, I think of a bag full of money. It is simple really. Religion is a racket with money at its heart. If it’s not pastors with private jets and Bentleys, Then it’s South Florida’s million dollar parsonages.
Records show the Archdiocese of Miami owns a five-bedroom, four-bath house that's assessed at more than $2 million in Southwest Ranches, a $750,000, five-bedroom Coral Springs house and a $650,000 house in Coral Gables to name a few.Local 10's Jeff Weinsier asked Monsignor Chanel Jeanty if he believes there is extravagant living in the Archdiocese of Miami.
"No, I don't," said Jeanty.
Property records also show Archbishop Thomas Wenski lives in a six-bedroom, six-bath house on Biscayne Bay. The assessed value of the archbishop's house is $1.2 million, but likely worth much more.
"It could be seen as extravagant, yes, but the archbishop is the head of the church and as such he also has to entertain a lot of events and fundraising," said Jeanty.
Money attracts money. How can they fundraise in a one-bedroom dump? Of course, I've always wanted to know why a priest needs more than one bedroom?

Tuesday, February 04, 2014
Pastor Terry Greer to stand trail for murder
Acccused murder, pastor Terry Greer, had his competency hearing cancelled and will instead face trail for murder on July 21, 2014.
Dr. Terry Greer, the former pastor of Gardendale-Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church, will not go through a hearing to determine if he is mentally competent, and will instead go to trial on charges of murder and attempted murder.
A competency hearing had been set for last week, which would determine whether or not Greer should be committed to a mental institution and have his criminal charges dropped. The winter storm caused that hearing to be moved to Feb. 19, but on Tuesday Jefferson Circuit Judge Tommy Nail cancelled that hearing and set a trial date of July 21.
Source: Terry Greer's competency hearing is cancelled: trial date set for July by Robert Carter
This good news indeed! It had looked like Pastor Greer would escape justice.

Pastor Tom Randall vindicated
Pastor Tom Randall, profiled here, was released from prison in the Philippines and all charges were dropped.
Announcements made via social media on Monday indicate Ohio pastor Tom Randall has been released from jail in the Philippines, and his charges of negligence toward sex abuse and human trafficking at his orphanage have reportedly been dropped.
An update on the "Free Tom Randall" Facebook page posted Monday indicates the pastor has been released from jail in the Asian country. "All charges dropped. Tom Randall is free," reads the text on an image uploaded to the Facebook page.
Source: Pastor Tom Randall Vindicated of Human Trafficking Charges by Jennifer Leclaire
It looks like I was wrong about Pastor Randall. It happens. I’ll reach out and offer him a guest post here on my blog.

Additional victims and charges for pastor Ray Teets
Pastor Ray Scott Teets, profiled here, was charged with indecent assault for incidents in 1999, 2005, and 2013.
Trooper Nathaniel Lieberum said on Tuesday that he identified three more female victims during an investigation into the initial complaint against Teets, who was working as a pastor at Fallen Timbers Community Church in Springhill. Lieberum declined additional comment.
In a June 1, 1999, incident, Teets allegedly had inappropriate contact with a girl younger than 13 in Springhill, according to online court records. Teets is being held in the Fayette County jail for the original case. In the 1999 incident, an additional $100,000 bond was set on charges of indecent assault and two counts of corruption of minors.
The next incident allegedly occurred on Dec. 5, 2005, in Georges Township, according to online court records. Teets faces two counts of indecent assault of a person younger than 13.
Four counts of corruption of minors were filed in connection with a Sept. 1, 2013, incident in Georges. Teets' bail was set at $100,000 for the 2005 and 2013 cases.
Source: South Union man accused in 3 more incidents with girls by Renatta Signorini
It is interesting to note that Teets could have been stopped if the Kentucky Baptist Seminary that Teets’ attended had acted on the knowledge that Teets had a prior conviction for sex abuse. If they had just done the right thing instead of minting another youth pastor. I still do not understand their motivation.

Update on the Pastor Roy Harriger case
Pastor Roy Harriger, profiled here, was indicted by the grand jury for allegedly molesting three children and not the two children as originally reported.
There were many more alleged victims, at least 15 people signed affidavits claiming that Harriger molested them, but the statute of limitations excluded most allegations.

Youth pastor Jeff Eddie arrested
Eddie was picked up by Muscle Shoals Police Sunday and held for questioning until Tuesday when the charges were announced.It is interesting to note that when I visited the church website to verify that youth pastor Jeff Eddie’s information was removed from the site, I was struck by how much image control goes on at the church. They do not even use a photo of the church as the background for the website, instead they choose to control their image by using a rendering. How odd is that?
Eddie is being held in the Colbert County Jail on a $1,030,000 bond.
As of Monday Eddie was listed as a children’s minister on the Highland Park Baptist Church website. His picture and information have since been removed from the site.
Source: Muscle Shoals Children’s Minister Arrested On Sex Abuse Charges
(Note: a local reached and said the current building is red brick and that the rendering is the new church, which is not yet built. I apparently jumped to the wrong conclusion. Sorry. )I was also trying to determine if Highland Park Baptist Church was an IFB church. Based on this website, I believe it is not.
*** Update 2/16/2014
Youth pastor Jeff Eddie had too many victims to count.
The church released a statement.
*** Update 2/23/2014
Case against Jeff Eddie referred to the grand jury

Monday, February 03, 2014
The week in small crimes
This post is a collection of stories about religious leaders, pastor, deacons and Sunday school teachers, who were arrested, convicted or otherwise made the news for various acts of hypocrisy. Some crimes are huge and typically originate in Africa. Other crimes are petty and mean and can originate anywhere. I typically post these on Monday for the previous week’s stories, but yesterday was too busy so I’m posting it for today. Enjoy!
Crimes and misdeeds
Pastor Andrew Hamblin is in trouble again. The LaFollette snake-handling pastor was arrested on traffic charges.
The ruling of new trail for pastor Patrick Edouard for his overturned conviction on sexual exploitation is under review. Read about the case here.
Pastor Robert Martin Gumbura convicted on four rape counts, his to be sentenced on Monday. (Africa)
Reverend Vusi Muculuve demoted following fondling incident (Africa)
Pastor Felipe J. Rios arrested for fraud. He allegedly stole 9,827.25 from his church.
Reverend Cambell Brown is being investigated on allegation of child molestation stemming from alleged crimes that happened at The North Coast Children’s home. (Australia)
Other religious oddness
Pastor Steven Andrew is a nutball and says President Obama follows Satan.

Sunday, February 02, 2014
Pastor Michael Clare gets 10 years for rape
Pastor Michael Clare, formerly of the Haverst Worship Center International, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the rape of two girls. One victim was 13 years old at the time of the rape, the other was 14 years old.
Related posts:
- Pastor Michael Clare indicted (1/29/2011)
- Update on the Pastor Michael Clare rape case (1/18/2014)

Pastor Craig Lamar Davis found guilty
As if there was any doubt... Pastor Craig Lamar Davis was found guilty of two counts of reckless conduct for failing to tell two women he had affairs with that he was infected with HIV. He faces 20 years in prison on each count.
Related posts:
- HIV positive pastor infects his flock and others (8/30/2013)
- Update on Pastor Craig Lamar Davis HIV case (1/11/2014)
- Pastor Accused of spreading HIV takes Witness stand (1/18/2014)

Damn liars! Christians drive me nuts!
I hate printing retractions. I really do. I try to post stories that are real, have legs and represent Christian hypocrisy. I though I had correctly represented a case where the Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy had suspended a fifth grade teacher because nude photos of her had appeared on a revenge porn website. To quote myself...
My instincts are to protect the victims of a crime. It's the right thing to do. When you punish a victim instead of offering support, often in the name of some subjective moral standard, you punish the innocent. Is that right? I don’t think so. Parents be damned. Let’s what is right for the victim.
I still feel that the school should not have suspended the teacher, but the background story changed with the publication of an article titled: Police arrest former Christian Teacher for lying about 'stolen' pictures posted online. It seems that the victim, one Jamie Climie, lied to police about how her phone was stolen, and of course, there is more to the story. Climie has stated that she had no idea how the photos appeared online. She lied about that too.
During the course of their investigation, police discovered that the images had not, in fact, been shared with her husband, but that they had been taken for and shared with a married acquaintance of hers with whom she had been carrying on an affair.
Police were called to Climie’s home on November 24 after she reported that her phone had been stolen and nude images of her on it had been posted online.
After a forensic investigation of the cellphone records, police determined that it was Climie who had sent the image, and that she had done so to someone other than her husband.
The victim in my story was not some innocent little school teacher. She was in fact the type of person I write about. A hypocrite, who through her own cheating and lies, ruined her own career. I should have named her in my original post. I had her name. I tried reaching out for an interview. Pfft... I should have known better.
The NSFW selfie that got Jamie Climie in so much trouble is located here.

Saturday, February 01, 2014
I know corruption when I see it
Matthew 19:24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
It is not hard to understand the message. If you are a rich person, your values are in conflict with Christianity. It seems simple.
A church run by a controversial multi-millionaire African preacher has been accused of ‘cynical exploitation’ after its British branch received £16.7 million in donations from followers who were told that God would give them riches in return.
Followers are ferried in double-decker shuttle buses to the church, handed slips inviting them to make debit card payments, and are even told obeying the ministry’s teachings will make them immune from illness.
Source: Laughing on his private jet - the £93m pastor accused of exploiting British worshippers
Preacher David Oyedepo of the Winners Chapel movement is about as close to the authentic message of Christ as I am close to believing in God, which is not all...
It’s not hard to see a scam or a cult when looking in from the outside. I don’t see any difference between Pastor Oyedepo and Pastor Joel Olsteen. The only real difference is where they practice their hypocrisy.

Youth pastor Shaun Michael Ross pleads guilty
"It was a sentence that was quite difficult to come to," says State's Attorney Charlie Smith. "These are difficult cases where you balance the interests of the community with the interests of the victim. But after a lot of conversation with the family, it was decided that he would do an 18-month sentence."This story has some additional legs. Shaun Ross was the son of pastor Terry Ross at Victory Christian Church in New York. He and his wife were placed in charge of the children's ministry despite Shaun being under investigation sexual misconduct.
Dan Ussery, who oversees the Foursquare churches in the Northeast, said the Rev. Terry Ross and Shaun Ross told the church about the charges.
"Pastor Terry Ross and son Shaun disclosed that Shaun had been accused of sexual misconduct while serving on the staff of a church in the Baltimore, Maryland, area and that charges are pending," Ussery wrote in a statement.
Source: Former youth pastor facing charges allowed to volunteer at North Syracuse churchAs far as I can tell, there were no serious repercussions for pastor Terry Ross.
The church where the original abuse took place responded to the sentencing.

Father James Seculoff resigned amid child molestation claims
Sex crimes have a way of reaching back through time to ruin the present. Father James Seculoff served the Catholic Church for 50 years. He's now ended his career in disgrace over abuse allegations from 40 years ago.
The Bishop of the Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese sent a letter to the parish, notifying members about the allegations against Father Seculoff saying, "The preliminary investigation has revealed sufficient evidence that sexual abuse of a minor did occur. The Diocesan Review Board reviewed this evidence and advised me in the assessment of the allegation as credible."
The Diocese says the abuse happened more than 40 years ago, but couldn't give an exact year.
Source: Walkerton priest resigns following abuse allegation
This case originally hit the news cycle on January 15, 2014. Additional allegations were reported yesterday.
Two weeks after he resigned amid sexual abuse allegations, Father James Seculoff has been accused by three more people of molesting them when they were children.
The Walkerton priest who served as pastor of Saint Patrick Parish, and has been with the church for more than 50 years, stepped down in mid-January. His resignation followed accusations surfacing of an incident of abuse that took place approximately 44 years ago. After their own initial investigation, the Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese concluded that the allegations of sexual abuse against Seculoff were "highly credible" and turned the matter over to Indiana civil authorities.
Source: Additional molestation accusations made against former Walkerton priest
The most likely next step is a police investigation which could lead to his arrest. The church is asking for help.
The Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese is encouraging all victims of sexual abuse at the hands of clergy to contact the diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Mary Glowaski at (260) 399-1458 or the Vicar General, Monsignor Robert Schulte at (260) 422-4611.
Given Seculoff’s length of service and the age of the current allegations, there could be many more victims.

Rev. Timothy Conlon removed from ministry
I like seeing positive action like this on behalf of the Catholic Church. It gives me hope.
"A Catholic priest in rural Arizona has been removed from ministry because of two recently reported and credible accusations of sexual abuse of minors that allegedly took place in North Dakota decades ago.
The alleged abuse by the Rev. Timothy Conlon, a member of the Crosier Fathers and Brothers religious order, was reported by the Diocese of Fargo. The Diocese of Gallup removed Conlon from his two Arizona parishes over the weekend."
Source:Rural Arizona priest removed from ministry after being accused of sexual abuse of minors in ND
Rev. Conlon is alleged to have abused children 40 years ago and was still an active priest.