Saturday, June 02, 2007

Mitt, Mormon & Divisive

I'm not surprised to find more press coverage of the divisive nature of Mitt Romney's Campaign. The fact that he is a Mormon will automatically attract religious zealots.

As Mitt Romney campaigned in a restaurant in New Hampshire on Monday, he approached a man seated at a table and said hello. The man, later identified as Al Michaud, replied: "I'm one person who will not vote for a Mormon.

It occurred to me the other day that Mitt Romney has other problems. When we first elected evangelical George Bush, we were asked to accept his religiosity as part of package. We were even told it would make Bush a better president. The rising level of Presidential hypocrisy, couple with his illogical "War on Nouns" (Terrorism, Pornography, Drugs, and Science) , and his fervent support for divisive social issues, has soured America on Presidents who wear religion on their sleeves. Mitt Romney is doomed.


The Exterminator said...

I love "War on Nouns." It made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

Romney just straight out scares me . . . his outsourcing past, his mormonism (and I say that as someone who was raised mormon), his shifting positions and morality.

Careful with this one, he'll do anything to get elected.

Mojoey said...

CV - Romney must not be president. He scares the crap out of me.

tina FCD said...

I wish for a time when religion is kept out of politics...still waiting.

Anonymous said...

You guys are the ones pounding the drum about religioisity. Mitt isn't making an issue of his are. Despite everyone trying to get him to "address his Mormonism," he's staying above the fray. You're out of touch, and you're bigotry is out of line.

Aren't the Jihadists the ones who are trying to forcefully compel religion down our throats? Convert or die? Gimme a break.