Sarah Palin spoke with Katie Couric on September 25. I watched. It blew my mind. How can anyone vote for her? My problem is simple. She lies. How can anyone trust a person who lies about their experience for office? I don't mean the simple lies, like saying "I'm qualified for office". Obama says this all the time. when he does, a little voice in my head says "No you are not". I don't think there are many people qualified for the job of President. Certainly none of the current candidates qualify.
Sarah Palin says "I'm qualified for office", but then goes on to say, "because of my foreign policy experience". The first statement is a small lie which I can overlook, the second statement is a big lie. I cannot overlook it. Her position is built on layer after layer of lies. Take this exchange.
COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?
PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We -- we do -- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where -- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is -- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to -- to our state.
It all sounds good, except for that nobody knows anything about a Russian trade mission on Palin's watch. The last trade mission with Russia was in 1997. And those Russian flyovers, if they happened, the US Military would have handled the response. Palin would not have even been consulted.
She claims you can stand on an island in the Bering Straight and look across to a neighboring island in Russia. In reality, Little Diomede Island sits 2.4 miles from Big Diomede island. They are two rocks in the middle of the Bering Straight with almost nothing of value between them. If Sarah Palin had ever stood on Little Diomede island and looked across to it's Russian neighbor she would have seen nothing but rocks, water, and ice. You can look for yourself here.
What could she possibly learn from looking at Russia from Little Diomede? Nothing! Of course, I give her too much credit, because she has never set foot on Little Diomede.
There is no Russian Consulate in Alaska. The nearest one is in Seattle. The is no Russian Trade Mission in Alaska, the nearest one is located in San Francisco. I'm not even sure if she can fly from Alaska direct to any city in Russia. I looked but could not find anything. In short, Palin is lying. She has no connection to Russia at all.
If she lies about something as dumb as this. What will she do on important issues? How can we trust her? The answer is that she is not worthy of our trust. How sad is that?