Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Feeling that homophobic Baptist love

Political correctness is a pet peeve of mine. So is punishing the innocent and needy in the name of political expediency. The Southern Baptist convention are masters of the art.

FORT WORTH, Texas (ABP) -- A Kentucky Baptist university has, at the last minute, withdrawn its invitation to host a youth mission team from Texas after the Southern Baptist Convention disfellowshipped their church for its toleration of homosexuals.

Brent Beasley, pastor of Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, said the church's youth minister received a call June 30 from an official at the University of the Cumberlands informing her that the congregation's youth choir is no longer welcome to stay in dorms or perform mission work through the school's Mountain Outreach construction program, which builds houses for the disadvantaged in Appalachia. Beasley said a church near the school's Williamsburg, Ky., campus also canceled a concert that had been scheduled as part of the mission trip.

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Poor kids. They just want to sing gospel music and maybe help build houses for the needy. Yet in the zero tolerance world of the Southern Baptist Convention, they might as well be… well Atheists. Their crime? They are tolerant of gay christians.

I’m sure the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention saw this as a way to enforce their core message of intolerance.  Where is the love? Meh, what am I thinking, organized religion is not about love.

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