Sunday, May 03, 2009

Catholic meddlers

Few thing rile me more than religious leaders attempting to push their moral agenda. Bishop Martino things his position on abortion is the only tenable position. At every opportunity he slams those who he feels are out of line, like Sen. Casey.

"I do not believe he has the moral stature to stand before the graduates of a Catholic college to address them about their futures and the challenges they will face when on the most important issue of the day -- the sanctity of human life -- he cannot muster the courage to oppose the pro-abortion agenda, which is currently being promoted in Washington," Martino said in a statement.

Is abortion rights the most important issue of the day? I can think of many other competing issues. Besides, the Catholic church lost its moral imperative a long time ago.

I read a book recently where the villain, a national leader who had lead his country astray, was punished by being ignored. Nobody, not a single person, would acknowledge his existence. It seems a fitting why to handle those who hate.

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