I've been driving the freeways of Southern California this week in pursuit of new disc golf courses. This shot is from the 5 near San Diego.
I played Oak Grove yesterday. It is located near JPL in Pasadena. It is an expensive part of of town. I was nearly alone on a hot dry day. It was dusty as hell. Check out the aerial map for an overview of the course.
Oak Grove is the place where it all started, it is the first disc golf course ever created back in1975. I played my first game of disc golf that same year. It was a church youth group activity then. I think it might be the only thing that remains from my days as a Christian.
I played a +1. The course fits my style of play. I have a short game (the longest I drive is about 350 feet), but I am accurate. The course favors left handed players, so I had some difficulty. However, most the holes were an easy lay up. The hardest hole is on the back nine, hole 13. You must throw over a gully. I would guess its 250 to 300 feet across a snake filled (at least in my imagination) 75-foot-deep gully that the course map calls it a lake. I made it by inches.
I birdied hole 14. My drive landed a few feet from the hole, which is amazing considering I could not see where I was throwing.
I'm playing again in the morning. It's been a fine vacation so far.
Carolyn Ann · 855 weeks ago
Carolyn Ann
Mojoey 107p · 854 weeks ago
OG Golfer · 834 weeks ago