Sunday, May 06, 2007

Harris & Hedges to debate the End of the World


Sam Harris will debate Chris Hedges on Religion, Politics, and the End of the World. The Los Angeles Debate will be held on, Tuesday, May 22, 2007,  8:00 PM at Royce Hall, UCLA.

I plan on attending. Let's see, I work 27 miles from UCLA. If I leave by 4:00, I might be able to get there by 8:00. 

The debate is sponsored by:

I plan to ask my Pastor buddy Brad to attend with me. Perhaps we can produce a joint review for Deep Thoughts.

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beepbeepitsme said...

If chris hedges wrote about this - "Hedges' most recent book, American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, was published in January 2007. In this book, Hedges argues that the Christian fundamentalist movement emerging today in the United States resembles the early fascist movements in Italy and Germany at the beginning of the last century, and therefore constitutes a gathering threat to American democracy." - it will be an interesting debate.

Mick said...

Four hours to go 27 miles? What are you traveling by? Ox-cart?

Mojoey said...

Mick - a jest. If I leave at 5:00 In can get there by 7:00. Freeway's suck.

Anonymous said...

Will this debate be televised or radion broadcast?