Tuesday, August 15, 2006

There are no atheists in foxholes

Repecca Phillips writes about atheist activists concern over the misuse of There are no atheists in foxholes. Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, said recently:
"Agnostics, atheists and bigots suddenly lose all that when their life is on the line."
Having faced my own mortality on several occasions, I can testify that even under the stress of impending doom, I did not resort to religion or faith to see me through the crisis. I talked to my wife, to my son, and to a close friend. There were no silently uttered prayers, no appeals for help from on high. Just a very real "oh crap, what do I do now". How, as Blum implies, do I lose what is essentially "me" in a time of crisis when it is "me” that sees me through the crisis in the first place. The truth is, I never lose "me", instead, I appeal to my intellect and social network to see me through whatever life throws my way.

I believe that some Christians are incapable of understanding how anybody can cope with life or death issues without God to fall back on. They are incapable of understanding because they do not know us. They are incapable of understanding because if is easier to accept a stereotype. They are incapable of understanding because it is inconceivable to think that there are people who do not need a higher power. It is as if the very idea could somehow challenge their faith.

I like the quote that ends this article.

"If someone is a committed atheist, they're likely to stay a committed atheist."

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