Friday, August 04, 2006

Jesus Is an Anarchist

The above title may seem like strong words, for surely that can't be correct? Jesus an anarchist? One must be joking, right? (care of CaptainA at digg)

James Redford, a self-described free-market/libertarian anarchist, that is--otherwise what is called an anarcho-capitalist, authored this lengthy piece in an attempt to prove that Jesus was an Anarchist. Read it and despair. By the end, I only wanted to speak a few unkind words directly to his face. Few people are more annoying than card-carrying libertarians are. At the far end of the libertarian spectrum are libertarian anarchists.

He promises much

It is the purpose of this document to demonstrate the above claim, and if you are a Christian then I submit that it should be your task to honestly consider what is presented here, for if the above claim comes as a surprise then I will show that what you thought you knew about Jesus was not the whole story: Jesus is far more radical than many would have you believe, and for good reason--it threatens the status quo.

He delivers little other than the normal crazy libertarian rant, except that he blames it all on Jesus.

But lastly, many unjust government actions have been supported by self-professed Christians, such as with Prohibition and the War on Drugs, even though such unjust laws are completely unjustifiable from a Biblical perspective and indeed very anti-Christian in the most literal sense of the word. As well, such government actions as taxes are also completely anti-Christian. Thus, in clearly demonstrating how Jesus was nothing if not a perfectly consistent libertarian…

I am a libertarian atheist myself, a small ‘L” libertarian that is. Free markets and limited government, plus a desire to see my personal liberties maintained. Redford is at the other end of the spectrum, a Christian libertarian anarchist. I did not know there was such a thing.

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