What did Bush say in his off mike moment? “See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it's over."
The Left is mad because the word “shit” makes the US look bad and makes the office of the President less Presidential. Right – like the whole Monica Lewinsky cigar episode helped our image? Bush said shit, but he also said that the best way to end the war is to get Syria to stop Hezbollah. Which is more important, shit or Hezbollah? (OK – maybe you should not answer that)
If the President drops an S-bomb from time to time, it really does not matter. People cuss all the time, it is a small thing in comparison to some of the other issues of our day. Yet the left, and those who posted comments on Shearer’s blog post, think it is proof of Bush's derangement. I don’t agree with Bush or many of his polices. I don’t like how the war in Iraq is unfolding, nor do I like how the religious right influences Bush’s decisions. In short, I don’t like Bush much. However, Common sense tells me that dropping a S-bomb is not worth press coverage. Yet the Left is acting like he has exposed himself in public. It is nuts.
My favorite comment from the Shearer post:
I lived with an alcoholic crackhead for five years. The woman popped just about every pill imaginable (including stealing my pain medication after I broke my arm), went out of her way to find criminals to hang out with (even brought them home when I was at work), and her parents - who should've known better - enabled her like you wouldn't believe. Now, she's living with a drug dealer.
People like that never change, because they think they don't have to. As long as you can get away with it, that's all that matters.
In the President's case, however, he's just just drunk on alcohol, he's also drunk on Power - the worst addiction there is.
Technorati Tags:
Bush, Hezbollah, politics, humor, nutballs