Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Day of Silence

I heard a couple of complementary news stories about the Day of Silence effort going on in our schools. It seems that Gay and Lesbian students are bringing attention to the fact that their sexual orientation is a cause for bullying and violence. It is a shame really, nobody should have to put up with this kind of abuse. I appreciate the approach used to highlight this issue. I think it is well within the non-violent protest tradition of King and Ghandi. Of course, there is a dark side – Fundie Christians take the next day as a Day of Truth. There is no King or Ghandi in their hate filled homophobic approach to in your face abuse. These Christians are in fact the very epitome of the bully our Gay and Lesbian friends are protesting. What is an atheist to think? It seems obvious. The Christians should keep their hate filled rhetoric to themselves. Lifestyle issues are a matter of personal choice. Butt out.

The Day of Silence has a PDF if you are interested in organizing in your school. (well.. maybe next year)

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