I have been listening to the audio book version of Sarah Vowell’s “The Partly Cloudy Patriot” for the better part of the last two weeks. Vowell is an amazing essayist. I was familiar with her work from her stories on This American Life, but had not given much thought to reading her books until my son left her CDs in my Truck. Once I got past here nasally voice, I was captivated. She really is a great storyteller.
One essay dealt with her memories of America’s bicentennial in 1976. She recounts with amazing details what she was doing and thinking at the time. She was 7 at the time. I was freshman in high school in 76, which would put me at 15. The funny thing is, I really do not remember the bicentennial. I remember it being important to many people. I remember hearing about it on the TV and radio, but I do not actually remember the event itself. I cannot recall July 4, 1976. It makes me wonder, what else important have I forgotten?
In 1976, I remember hiking Goodall Pass in the Sierras Nevada Mountains on the John Muir trail. , I remember that my girlfriend Melody broke up with me, and then she got pregnant by some guy who was five years older and in the military. We had barely even kissed. I remember winning the league championship in freshman basketball, and that my friend’s sister, Debbie Mallock, was Artesia’s homecoming queen. I remember things I did with friends; like seeing the King Tut exhibit in LA with my friend Jon. I remember family events; my family went waterskiing at Lake Hughes the day Howard Hughes died (April 4). Heck, I even remember having t-bone steaks and beans by a campfire on that trip, but I do not remember the bicentennial, not even one little bit. Why do I not remember this? The 4th was on a Sunday in 76; I would have spent it with my family, but no, nothing at all, just a big blank.
I just spoke by phone with my mom while writing this post. She does not remember either, which is not surprising. Her best guess is that we celebrated July 4, 1976 like every other 4th of July, with a party at our house, followed by fireworks at Knotts Berry Farm. On occasion, we would go to Long Beach and watch fireworks launched from the Queen Mary with our friends the Mallock’s. I vaguely remember a 4th in Long Beach, fog, sand, firecrackers, bottle rockets, and sparklers, all spring to mind. I think I was much younger. I do not ever remember going to Knotts.
Well, the hunt is on for me. I am going to figure out what I did that day. There will be more to follow as the 70’s fog is lifted from my memory.
One last thing, how did Sarah Vowell remember something that happened when she was 7? I was 7 in 1968. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, Robert Kennedy was assassinated on June 4th, yet I remember nothing specific at all about these events. I cannot even remember the name of the school I attended at the time. Hmmm….