Friday, December 31, 2004
Damn, I was a fan.
I started listening to Artie Shaw after my Grandfather turned me on to him in the early 70s. One day, while riding in my Grandfathers old T-bird, he popped a Artie Shaw cartridge in the 8-track and told me stories of love and loss from the 30s and 40s. Begin the Beguine was his favorite, and my favorite Artie Shaw song. The Clarinet was wonderful. It never failed to lift my sprits. Of course, Concerto for Clarinet is also a masterpiece. I wish Shaw had continued to produce after the 40s. I would have liked a chance to see him perform.
R.I.P Artie Shaw
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Robot Boxing

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
The hit at this years Christmas party was a remote controlled knockoff version of Rockem Sockem Robots. We held a rotating tourney; I was 0 for 2, but real close to winning both times! The robots are a little hard to control, which made the scene more reminiscent of a robotic dancing contest. The robots have a jab and a rapid-fire rabbit punch. The trick was to hit the opposing robot on a sensor in the middle of its chest. It was very hard to do; most of the matches were positioning battles. We had fun with this and it beat the hell out of a lopsided game of Trivial Pursuit which we played earlier in the evening. The great thing about this toy is that it came home with me!
Memory and Sarah Vowell
One essay dealt with her memories of America’s bicentennial in 1976. She recounts with amazing details what she was doing and thinking at the time. She was 7 at the time. I was freshman in high school in 76, which would put me at 15. The funny thing is, I really do not remember the bicentennial. I remember it being important to many people. I remember hearing about it on the TV and radio, but I do not actually remember the event itself. I cannot recall July 4, 1976. It makes me wonder, what else important have I forgotten?
In 1976, I remember hiking Goodall Pass in the Sierras Nevada Mountains on the John Muir trail. , I remember that my girlfriend Melody broke up with me, and then she got pregnant by some guy who was five years older and in the military. We had barely even kissed. I remember winning the league championship in freshman basketball, and that my friend’s sister, Debbie Mallock, was Artesia’s homecoming queen. I remember things I did with friends; like seeing the King Tut exhibit in LA with my friend Jon. I remember family events; my family went waterskiing at Lake Hughes the day Howard Hughes died (April 4). Heck, I even remember having t-bone steaks and beans by a campfire on that trip, but I do not remember the bicentennial, not even one little bit. Why do I not remember this? The 4th was on a Sunday in 76; I would have spent it with my family, but no, nothing at all, just a big blank.
I just spoke by phone with my mom while writing this post. She does not remember either, which is not surprising. Her best guess is that we celebrated July 4, 1976 like every other 4th of July, with a party at our house, followed by fireworks at Knotts Berry Farm. On occasion, we would go to Long Beach and watch fireworks launched from the Queen Mary with our friends the Mallock’s. I vaguely remember a 4th in Long Beach, fog, sand, firecrackers, bottle rockets, and sparklers, all spring to mind. I think I was much younger. I do not ever remember going to Knotts.
Well, the hunt is on for me. I am going to figure out what I did that day. There will be more to follow as the 70’s fog is lifted from my memory.
One last thing, how did Sarah Vowell remember something that happened when she was 7? I was 7 in 1968. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, Robert Kennedy was assassinated on June 4th, yet I remember nothing specific at all about these events. I cannot even remember the name of the school I attended at the time. Hmmm….

Tuesday, December 28, 2004
2004 iPod top five
1. Dave Mathews Band (by 2 to 1)
2. Weezer
3. Sublime
4. Greenday
5. Bob Marley & The Wailers
Dave Mathews moved up the list from #6 last year, while Bob Marley fell from #1. Weezer, who has made my list the previous three years, moved up from #3 to #2. I also listened to a lot of Johnny Cash, mostly because he passed this year. Johnny Cash made my list at #8.
Suggestions for 2005 are always welcome.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Carson Ugly # 17 - Shopping Carts

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
My wife recently told me I was a lazy photographer. I was not happy. With her bitter message ringing in my ears a few days ago, I walked half a mile to these shoot shopping carts. Lazy my ass... (Well, maybe a little)
Carson continues to amaze me with its ugliness and neglect. This dumping site greets me every morning on my drive in. It never goes away. I may be only one cart, or it may be several, but it is always there, greeting visitors and cheering up my day.
While I was shooting this picture, which is at an entrance to the 405 freeway, a trucker asked me "how much". I hope he did not think I was a Carson hooker. That would really drive down Carson's image.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Dance Dance Resurrection - the perfect Christian Xmas gift!
I love the dance pad, it's an INRI cross. And then there is what happens when you reach perfection. Dance well, and you will recieve the love of our lord Jesus Christ into your life, dance poorly and it's straight to the fiery pits of hell!
Oh man, whoever thought of this is going to get some very special mail.
Words. Nothing but sweet, sweet words that turn into bitter orange wax in my ears
My nine year old son likes anything my 23 year old likes, so Futurama and the Family Guy are in constant rotation on our TV. I think my son has seen some episodes of Futurama 20 times or more. It’s like he watches them until he understands all of the references, then moves on to other episodes. Which brings me to my point, I watch them too, but I can’t even quote simple phrases. My favorite Futurama quote is from Professor Farnsworth, “That sounds dangerous. Somebody could get killed. Fry, Leela, Bender, you go.”
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Bad day at work - good day at home

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
I don't complain about work much. Work is work, what can you do? Today was different. Today was bad. I can do without days like today. Stress, deadlines, and complexity, it all makes for a pressure building mind-numbingly bad day. But, what can you do? Macallan helps, a good Scotch goes a very long way towards bringing a bad day to a nice close, that and a little AoE.
Tomorrow promises to be worse, oh boy.
My name is Mojoey and I am addicted to AoE

Monday, December 20, 2004
Sunday, December 19, 2004
This seems like a stupid idea - you try it

POS Rental Car
© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
I am bored this morning, so I am writing about whatever pops into my head. Today's topic is rental cars. I have rented a few cars in my day, my guess is at least 150 in the last five years. This time, I needed a car for a few days because my son had borrowed mine for a short trip up North. I rented a Pontiac Aztec from Hertz, and it really sucked. I usually rate a car on four things;
- Fit - Do I fit in it.
- Visibility - Can I see out of it.
- Driving - How does it feel to drive?
- Sound - Does it have a good stereo?
I did not fit in the car. It had plenty of headroom, but no ass room and my legs were cramped. I was very uncomfortable in this car, more so than in the Jeep I rented while in Hawaii last year, and I hated that Jeep.
I could not see out of the rear window unless I crouched or sat up straight. The rear window has a bar going across it right where you would normally see the cars behind you. It was very annoying. On the other hand, you could look out of the lower rear window and see the tires of the car behind you. I do not know what good that does for you, but what the hell. Looking over your left shoulder, you see a part of the car, over your right shoulder, small windows and more car. I felt like I was driving blind.
It drove O.K., the Aztec had no real power, and was sluggish, but for an American car it was passible.
Road sounds were noticeable; the Aztec is not a quiet ride. The most annoying thing was the friggen stereo. Its volume changed depending on how I was driving. If I slowed down, the volume went down, if I sped up, the volume went up. I know it is a "feature", but I like music loud, even if I am at a stop signal.
In summary – this car sucked, stay away!
Point of sale items such as barcode scanners and other barcode hardware provide your business with pos solutions. Choose the right barcode scanner to scan barcodes and take inventory.
I'm Confused
I found this car in the parking lot of a Borders in Long Beach. My first thought... WTF?
If you look close, you will see the following:
KPFK voice of mass dissent radio or left wing nutball radio
- Phish sticker
- Dr. Seuss' The Lorax
- Psychedelic State
- Cal State Long Beach
- Teddy Bears in a car
- One Day Lost
- HB Tattoo
- Dare to think for yourself
- An equal sign
- I break for antelope
- LB for Long Beach
- When I grow up, I wanna be like me
- Please feel free to stare, point, whisper and ask questions
- I like my men pierced
- Two stickers of girls with cats
- All truth goes through three stages...
- You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
- Give peace a chance
- Meat is murder
- Friends don't let friends vote republican
- A Darwin anti christian fish
- A W in 04 sticker
- You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake
I've roamed and rambled, And I've followed my footsteps,
to the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts,
And all around me a voice was souunding,
this land was made for you and me
The sun comes shining, As I was strolling,
The wheat fields waving, And the dust clouds ralling,
The fog was lifting a voice comes chanting,
This land was made for you and me
My analysis - this girl is very strange, but I felt like buying her car.

Saturday, December 18, 2004
The Daily Grill Long Beach

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
Kristen Stratton is the Manager at the new Daily Grill in Long Beach. I met her on a rainy day while studying at Pepperdine’s World Trade Center campus in Long Beach. The World Trade Center is a dead place on a Saturday; the Daily Grill had just opened for business. It was completely empty. Kristen was gracious and offered a shortened lunch menu instead of their full menu. I had the tuna sandwich; it was good, but quite expensive.
A few days later, I was back. This trip was to sample their bar. They offered an O.K. selection of beers, I wanted a Guinness, but settled for several Newcastle’s ($4.75 each). Their scotch list is weak, I had a Glenfiddich ($7), they insisted on serving in it a cognac class. I chalked it up to inexperience.
Their menu looks mundane, it’s kind of upscale classic Americana, but it is too pricey. I think they might be targeting the Hilton Hotel business traveler market, I don’t think normal diners are going to go out of their way to eat there. The restaurants location is going to work against it. The area they are in has no foot traffic, little car traffic, and is deserted after 5 p.m. My guess is they will be out of business within a year at this location.
On the other hand, Kristen is very nice. I hope she does well…
I got a B!

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
Dr. Paul Gift is a talented Adjunct Professor teaching economics in Pepperdine's MBA program. Economics was the hardest class to date in the MBA program. I struggled with concepts that were new to me. I am actually happy with a B, I feared much worse. Dr. Gift is the best teacher I have had while in Pepperdine’s program. He is a good lecturer, and is able to teach a complex subject in a way that invites further inquiry. I actually like economics now.
I had to study hard for this class; much harder than in any other class so far. Dr. Gifts mid-term and final exam are very difficult. He is after making sure his students understand the subject and can demonstrate their knowledge. Up to this point in my education, I have never taken a test that was so hard, or as stressful. I am glad this class is behind me.
I hope Pepperdine sees the value of bringing Dr. Gift on as a full time professor. In my opinion, their program will be much better off for it.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Learning through Experience
This blog is for the daughter of a friend. Tabitha is planning on taking her second trip abroad as a student ambassador and is seeking financial assistance from people interested in sponsoring her next trip. I plan on becoming a sponsor because I think Tabitha is just the right kind of person we need to send out to the world to help paint a better picture of America. Tabitha is asking for any contribution, even a dollar, so come on bloggers, pony up a few bucks!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Slow Day - A dog at LAX

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
I was at LAX today, bored out of my mind while waiting for my son to return from Japan. I was looking around for something to shoot, when I saw an ugly lady with her dog attracting a lot of attention. I asked her if I could shoot a picture, then I had to peel myself away, she liked to talk. It was an ugly dog too, and fat.
A good example of nutball psychobabble
The clouds that have hovered over us since 9/11 are beginning to dissipate. Our minds are once more seeing the plethora of colors created with the birth of each new sunrise. We can see clearly once again. It is time to shake the foundations of what is known, and what is yet to be found.
Nutballs come in all forms. In this case, Manuel Valenzuela, an American hating writer, with a completely screwed up world view. Valenzuela puts forth the notion that America = Nazi Germany or that we are even worse.... Of course he takes 4,500 words to make his mind numbing, meandering, conspiracy filled point, and this meeting is really only part one of three.
This guy is a hate-filled nutball, I hope he’s not an American.
The best quote from this POS:
Our failure to question the official ‘truth’ of 9/11 arises because of our fear of knowing the truth, our uncertainty of what to do if what the government says is false. We fear knowing that perhaps our government and leaders, our policy makers and corporate elite were involved in the greatest terrorist act to ever devastate American soil, and so we meander in purposeful ignorance, unwilling to open the doors to a storm that would shake our foundations to the ground. Our ego’s refusal to believe in the criminality of the government, even if only negligent, even if criminally complicit, is the ally of the Amerikan Nazis, for it strengthens their grip on power and their confidence that they can do with us as they please.
Valenzuela thinks we were behind the attacks of 9/11, or we asked for it, or through our negligence allowed it to happen.... Valenzuela is an official Nutball, and a liberal defeatist big "L" loser.

Monday, December 13, 2004
Leading atheists changes teams
Well, a quick read shows that Antony Flew now believes that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the Universe. Great, Thanks dude... you just gave the creation science nutballs more quotes to use in their fight against Darwin.
Of course, it could just be that Flew, who is 81, realized he will not going to solve the mystery of life anytime in his lifetime, and just gave up. I mean, that is reasonable, right? At least he did not become a bible thumper, I’m afraid we would have had to call in a hit if that were the case. (we atheists have connections you know!)
The joy of being on a good team
I’ve been involved with many different jobs over the course of my career. Before I started working, I did a stint in the service, and before that, was a bit of a jock in high school. I learned what it means to be part of a team by being on a team. Some lessons were harder than others were. Once, when I was in High School, I broke a toe right at the end of basketball season, I opted to skip the last game and go out with my girlfriend, instead of setting with my team as they lost a close game to a hated rival. I did not think much of it while I was out having fun, but the next week at school, my team let me know they were disappointed. That was nothing compared to the coach. He told me that leadership on the bench is as important to a team as as leadership from the court, and that I had not shown very good leadership skills by missing the last game. I had let my team down. Of course, there was nothing I could do about it after the fact, except learn from my mistake, and I did learn. Today, I don’t care if I have a broken leg, or other valid excuses for missing the “game”, I always show up, even if I know I’m not going to play.
I was a good all around player on my basketball team. I contributed a lot of points, hustled, rebounded, and tried to do my very best for four years. I even won a few awards along the way, but when I meet my former teammates today, I am sure to hear about the game I missed. It sucks really…. At our high school awards ceremony, The Coach said of me, “Joe was one of the best pure shooters I have ever coached, too bad he missed the last game, we could have really used him”. It is hard to forget a lesson like that, I think about it often.
I had the same kind of thing happen in the service. I was chronically late for my shift, sometimes by as much as half an hour. My NCO busted my ass hard, and told me something I will never forget, he said, “arriving late shows disrespect to the man you are relieving, how do you expect these guys to watch your back if you don’t respect them?” He was right of course, then he game me thirty days in the stockade and made me cut a whole bunch of grass. I was never late again. Being on-time translated well to my work life today. I try my hardest not to show my teammates any disrespect by showing up on time for work and for meetings. I’m not perfect, but I do pretty good. It is amazing what 30 days with bubba in a smelly jail cell will do for you.
Oh, one last thing, I still hate cutting grass...
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Omar's Ink

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
My friend Omar got a new tat recently. He made the design himself. I’ve always liked tattoos, but I have never taken the step of getting one. I almost did once while I was in the service, but I got bored waiting for my turn under the needle and went to a bar instead. I like Omar’s tattoo, it's very bold, and not gay at all.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Wassef Ali Hassoun charged with Desertion
Deep Thoughts: Duh - he's a Muslim
Friday (December 10, 2004) it was announced that Wassef Ali Hassoun was charged with Desertion. His story sounded fishy when it hit the press the first time. Too bad he can only get 15 years of jail time, perhaps he can apologize to his fellow Marines when he does his military style perp walk?

Lakers Descend to Mediocrity

I’ve check out...
Last night my son tried to tell me about a madman shooting people in a band because he did not like their music. I laughed because I thought he was being cute. Damn, Darrell Abbott is dead. Some nutball shot him the other night while he was playing with his new band. Where the hell I have been to not hear this? I was not a Pantera fan, but I like Abbots guitar work. Now he’s feeding worms, damn.
It looks like the press is spinning Abbott murder as a being perpetrated by an aggressive socially inept stalker. I’m betting its mental illness and drugs. I don’t want to mention the name of Abbott’s murder here, no use giving the bastard any more attention that he is already getting.
I think I need to start read Google News again… What else has gone wrong in the last week?
R.I.P. Darrell Abbott
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Theme Thursday - Lights

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
I shot this a few weeks ago at the Pike in Long Beach. I think they over did the lighting a bit. It kind of felt like Christmas, but a little early.
This is for Theme Thursday under "Lights"

What does he have in his pockets?

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
foj - Cezar Yepez
Cezz is a great guy, young, talented, and in soccer shape (he plays all the time). We've been part of the same study group at Grad School for 18 months, but tonight is our last class together. I go on to International Business, he goes on to Accounting.
For the ladies --- yes Cezar is single and looking. I'll be happy to pimp him out, just drop me a note. I'm not sure what he has in his pockets though....

Gothic Christmas gifts
Saturday, December 04, 2004
How Much is Inside a Pack of Oreos?
Other interesting products:
A Keg
A print cartridge
Dust off

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

Houses of the Future
My favorite - The cardboard house!
Interior of an old building, Long Beach

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
I shot this picture through the polarized glass of an old building in Long Beach at sunset. I took a dozen photos, each at a different setting. I love the results.

I can do better

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
Sometimes a take a picture and don't pay very close attention to details. Like this one, the there are a half dozen problems with it, all of which can be corrected in postproduction, but most of which could have been prevented. All I have to do is take my time and think, or “see” the picture. In this case I took a snapshot and suffered for it. The symmetry is off, the depth of field is too shallow, the color saturation is weak, it’s not even level (it slopes to the left), and there are a few other problems too. I took this picture on purpose. I walked half a mile in the cold to take it at sundown on a clear day. You would think I would take the time to make a good picture. Damn, I’m going to have to do it again.
How afraid is CBS & NBC?
Why did CBS & NBC do this? It is quite simply fear of the FTC and the federal government. Last month is was an Academy Award winning movie, this month it is a commercial a church, the slippery slope is starting to look pretty damn steep. What else are we being saved from seeing?

Friday, December 03, 2004
Monday Madness Meme
I came across a question meme called Monday Madness. Each week the meme owner will post three (or more) questions; he or she tries to keep them on the 'light' side. People post the questions, then answer them on their blog. It seems kind of stupid, but what the heck.
How did you choose a name for your blog?
- I like Jack Handy sayings. Plus, I have a pretty stupid sense of humor, so a Jack Handy/Deep Thoughts seem to fit. Of course that was before I started fotobloging, but Deep Pictures sounds… stupid.
How many times have you changed the name of your blog?
- None, nada, not once.
How many blogs to you update regularly?
How many times have you moved in your life?
- As an adult 7
On a scale of 1-10, how stressful is moving (in your opinion)?
- 10, moving sucks.
When moving, do you/would you rent a moving van/truck?
- Rent, but never Uhaul ever ever ever again.
Do you wear glasses? If so, how old were you when you needed them?
- Yes – all my life.
What one question would you hope someone running a meme, would ask?
- How old where you went you moved out of your parents home?
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Reflection on a BlockBuster window

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
There was something about the road running parallel to the video racks and the statue of children playing on the hill that caught my eye. Anyway, this is my Photo Friday submission under the Reflections catagory.

Low Carb Crack

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey
Natalie Coffee Brookhurst and Talbert in Fountain Valley make a low carb frozen coffee drink that is crack. They hooked me a few weeks ago, now I wake up on a Saturday morning thinking that 12 miles is not too far to drive for a cup of joe.
The only thing is.... Natalie changed their name to "Coffee Plantation" a few days ago. Now I'm worried. Please, please, please don’t be a Starbucks.
Review - Curley's Cafe

Curley’s Café © Copyright 2004 Mojoey
Curley’s has been a Signal Hill lunch institution for a very long time. I can remember eating there in the late 70’s (I think), in the 80’s, and again in the 90’s. I was surprise when my friend Bob suggested a quick lunch there earlier in the week. Like usual, I had forgotten the neighborhood eatery. The building sits on the corner of Cherry and Willow, nestled between two functioning oil wells. It has a very “old” Signal Hill feel to it.
Curley’s is a classic burger and beer joint, and very informal. It has two dinning rooms, one with a pool table and bar. Curley’s also has a patio with a view of well…. two oil wells and a lot of traffic.

Double Cheeseburger © Copyright 2004 Mojoey
I ordered a double cheeseburger; it came with a choice of fries, onion rings, potato salad, or coleslaw. The picture above is accurate. The burgers are large and good; they are reminiscent of a better quality “In N Out” burger. The onion rings were a little too greasy, but they were passable.
I always judge a meal on if I want to eat it but cannot finish. This was one of those cases, I loved the burger, but it was too much food. I could not finish lunch. The bill for a double cheeseburger and a coke was about $10. I little pricy, but worth it. I am sure I will be back again.
Curley's Cafe
1999 E Willow St Signal Hill, Calif. (562)424-0018
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Christian protest group faces 47 years in prison
A group of fundies, known as the Philadelphia 11, were arrested while protesting the Philadelphia Gay and Lesbian "Outfest" in October of 2004. Now the group faces 3 felonies, and up to 47 years in prison each. All I can say is “YIPEE!” I don't know how many times I have ran into a sign toting Christian, who keep telling me I'm going to hell unless I repent. Of course this usually happens when I'm enjoying myself – not necessarily at an “Outfest”, but maybe in Los Vegas. It is a total buzz kill, and very rude. Keep your religion to yourselves please.
I don't belong to any protected group, except maybe old fat white men with a puerile sense of humor, but the next time some nutball fundie starts telling me about hell while holding a "repent or die" sign, I'm calling the police. You never know.... Prison sounds reasonable.
One other thing, Repent America has a bizarre home page. To enter the site, there is a button to push if you are a Christian, and another button for "all other". DO NOT press the “all others” button, you will get a Ten Commandments lecture, and learn the "truth" that you are going to hell unless you drop to your knees and….
Deep Thoughs - Robot President
elected president. That way,
when he came to town,
we could all take a shot at
him and not feel too bad.
Jack Handy