Thursday, April 05, 2007

What is it about crack?

It comes in all forms, drugs, food, the Internet, you name it, it's all crack. I have a new addiction, the Showtime version of This American Life. This weeks episode, God's close up, was outstanding. Thor (my dog) and I watched it just a few minutes ago. This week's episode focused on just one story, a Utah based artist named Ben McPherson who paints pictures of Jesus using local bearded men. Beards in Utah are rare, it is an LDS thing, the people who sport them tend to be counter culture types. The artist, the process of making a painting from a photograph, the bearded men, Jesus and his girlfriend, they all combine for a compelling story and some of the best TV crack I know of. It is not so much about the story through, it is the visuals. I can only describe it as looking at a good photograph, one that is constantly shifting to reveal hidden nuances. It is a beautiful thing.

My only complaint, the show is only 30 minutes long.

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jamon said...

Meh: "We at Showtime Online express our apologies; however, these pages are intended for access only from within the United States."

Crack that provokes this kind of reaction, can't be so bad. Can it?

Mojoey said...

Jamon, did you try using guardster? Use the free service. I think it is the bottom button.

jamon said...

Thanks for the pointer - never thought of a proxy.
