Saturday, October 16, 2010

NPR – Prosperity Gospel is dysfunctional

When I confront Christians about the abuses of their faith, I repeat the mantra, “Silence is tacit acceptance.” I encourage them to speak out and confront the evil that corrupts the pure. Topics range from gay marriage to clergy sexual abuse, but my favorite topic is prosperity gospel. NPR’s Faith Matters did a story called Pastor Seek to Debunk Prosperity Gospel

Critics of prosperity gospel say it can have a sinister undertone of greed and materialism. The Rev. DeForest Soaries, Jr. is such a critic of prosperity gospel. Host Michel Martin speaks with Soaries, who pastors the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset, HJ, about ways prosperity gospel can be helpful and harmful to spiritual life.

In the story, Pastor DeForest Soaries, Jr. confronts the evils of prosperity gospel and pastor Eddie Long. It’s worth a listen.