The truth will emerge, but If I have to see any more pictures of Pastor Eddie Long in a muscle shirt, I’m going to jump to the conclusion that he is gay (or at least bi-sexual) and likes playing with his youth pastors. Why else would a pastor take pictures of himself in a bathroom mirror, in a muscle shirt, dressed to show his desirability? It’s a selfpic used for
sexual purposes. It says, look at me, I’m sexy! Well, he is a good looking guy, and fit too. But I have to say, what he’s doing in these pictures does not fit the homophobe personal he projects in church. Does it?
Pastor long plans to address the allegations.
Bishop Eddie Long, the powerhouse leader behind the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in suburban Atlanta, issued a statement today again denying that he coerced three teenage boys into sexual relationships and promising that the "truth will emerge."
"I am anxious to respond directly to these false allegations and I will do so," he said in the statement that was distributed by a publicist. " However, my lawyers have counseled patience at this time."
I can’t wait to hear how he explains his way out of this one.