Monday, August 09, 2010

Introducing PJZen’s The Big Picture

Please join me in welcoming the newest member of the Atheist Blogroll, PJZen’s The Big Picture.
Hello Atheist Blogroll,
I am PJ Zen of  PJZen's The Big Picture. My blog is simply an exploration of the universe. OK that might be a little over reaching. I am fascinated by how the mind works, evolution, physics, astronomy, and life. I am a skeptic and former cynic. My life has been very strange and it has let me see the world differently than most people. I try to share that. My sense of humor is very warped and can be a bit sarcastic. I am trying to work on that. Please check out my most popular post for a taste. Did I mention I am obsessed with bubbles?
Thank you.
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