Monday, July 13, 2009

Justice may be just two weeks away

I can’t wait for Pastor Rodney McGill and his lovely wife Shalonda to here that sweet sweet word, “Guilty”. Their trail is just getting underway down in Florida. It should be fun to watch. McGill is a fruitcake, or nutball, or whatever you want to call him. He is representing himself, which is the quickest way to end up in prison for a long time.

At one point, McGill engaged in a spirited debate with prospective jurors over their views of a defendant’s right not to take the stand in a criminal trial.

Those discussions and views led to an equally spirited debate outside the courtroom between one of McGill’s daughters and several prospective jurors before the jury panel was selected, which resulted in Bauer barring the girl’s return for the duration of the trial.

His daughter sounds a little crazy too. But who am I to judge? These are good Christian people, simply investing the 8 million dollars they are alleged to have stolen. I”m sure they invested it in a totally awesome Jesus focused ministry someplace in the Bahamas. That’s not theft, nope, that’s good old fashion American religion.

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