Friday, September 07, 2007

Vick's new strategy - become a Christian

What do you do when you've screwed up your life so bad there seems like no road back to normalcy? Why...  become a Christian of course.

On Saturday, the Atlanta Falcons quarterback was at a Christian school in Virginia, spending time with boys whose fathers are absent from their lives.

Yesterday, he and his family attended church in Chesapeake, singing and praying with other members of the congregation. The Reverend Steven Terry, minister of Deliverance Tabernacle Church, where Vick has been attending services recently, said Vick has also been attending two or three church counseling sessions a week and has been accommodating to every suggestion the minister has made.

Let me see - how does it go again? Accept Jesus, ask for forgiveness, and then play football - Yep, that's it.


Unknown said...

That does not surprise me. Nuts!

tina FCD said...

Even my 9 year old grandson knows this guy is a loser. "I found jeebus!" :)