Saturday, July 07, 2007

Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

 What the hell is going on in the U.K.? A recent study indicates teachers are dropping the Holocaust from course work out of fear of offending Muslims. Their position is absurd.

It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.

So... Teachers think dropping the holocaust is a good idea because some children are taught to hate Jews and deny the Holocaust. They choose to capitulation rather than confront a hateful lie. Cowards. Political correctness will be the death of western society.

I've got to ask, do they stop teaching evolution because it will offend some Christians?


jamon said...

If this is true then I feel ashamed that this kind of stupidity can happen in the UK.

That said, the Daily Mail is a publication akin to Fox News. Right wing and always misappropriating information to wring out a sensation when there isn't really one.

Unfortunately I can't get my hands on the original report from the DFES to make an informed judgement. ;(

Good post nonetheless, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yes - that's typical Daily Mail fodder. They only need to find just one example to pretend it's the new trend.

Adam Holland said...

There's less to this story than meets the eye. See

"This is an anecdotal response from one teacher in one school out of four thousand five hundred secondary schools in the UK. While we cannot say what happens in every single school, our understanding is that this is highly unusual and not general practise of teachers around the country."

Ian Thal said...

What is also left out is that this story is three months old at this point and that the outrage in British society that a minority (possibly statistically insignificant number-- the reports are never clear) of teachers would stoop to this level of cowardice, resulted in a move towards strengthening Holocaust education in the UK.

Mojoey said...

So DFES is like Fox news!

Thanks for the good news everyone.

Anonymous said...

The London Times ran an article on this also.

Even if it a minority opinion, it's still outrageous. It's not exactly one teacher in one school.According to the Times article ...

"A lack of factual knowledge among some teachers, particularly in primary schools, is also leading to “shallow” lessons on emotive and difficult subjects, according to the study by the Historical Association."

This type of attitude is also reflected by the anti-Israel lobby in British academia that recently saw a move by the University and College Union to boycott Israeli academics.

Anonymous said...

The new Brit chancellor, Gordon Brown, recently addressed a Labour Friends of Israel luncheon and announced that the British government and Pears Foundation would donate an annual grant of $500,000 to the Holocaust Educational Trust over 3 years. This will go toward the teaching of holocaust education.

The government already gives an annual grant of 1.5 million sterling to finance HET's programs.

In answering internet speculations about holocaust teaching, Brown said ... "We will ensure that it goes on being taught... Not to do so would be tragic."

Anonymous said...

The above 500,000 figure should read in pound sterling.