Sunday, July 01, 2007

2000 posts

I looked at my statistics yesterday and found that this post is my 2000th. I think that makes me a real blogger, whatever that is.

My family and friends as my why I do this. I can only answer that I have a compulsion to write, like I have a compulsion to learn, and a compulsion to take pictures.

I've toyed with the idea of stopping. I don't think it will happen. Blogging is my release. I need a release. I think most people do.

I want to thank the people who  stop by Deep Thoughts to read and sometimes post comments. I feel a bit like a Pavlovian blogger, comments and links feed my compulsion. Thanks - I guess.

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CareShare Network said...

Congrats on reaching the 2000 mark!

jamon said...

2000 posts eh?

Now that's something worth celebrating. Well done you!

Here's to the next 2000. ;)

tina FCD said...

I love your posts, your site is on my homepage along with my news sites. I'm not a very good writer so I think I like reading posts and commenting the most. Keep em comin'.

Mojoey said...

Thanks! I enjoy the feedback.

Johnny C said...

No... Thank you for all the wonderful posts and hopefully many more to come