Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What Mormon Theology Is Really All About

A Christian group made this hilariously melodramatic short back in the 1970s to debunk the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Did I mention I love digg?)

Back in the day (the 70s) I handed out bible tracts, worked for the Bible Answer Man, and tried my hardest to fight what my church called “the most dangerous cult in America” - the Mormons. In a completely misguided effort to save missionaries from their own religion, I worked tirelessly to covert missionaries to my particular non-denominational former Dutch Reform version of hippy Christianity. It was all such an insensitive waste of time. On the off chance that any of you 1970 era Mormon Missionaries read this – I humbly apologize.

This film was the cornerstone of my church's effort to minister to the Mormons. I had not thought about it in years. It brings back such conflicted memories. I actually knew that what I was participating in was wrong, but I did it anyway. Zealotry and youth are a bad combination. I did not develop my backbone until much later in life.

I can remember sitting in a meeting room with a bunch of teens watching this movie and taking notes (which I still have someplace). I developed complex arguments all designed to plead my case to those unsuspecting do-gooders. However, I never got past first base – and I alienated many lifelong friends along the way. Oh, the folly of a misspent youth, I could have actually done something of value, like study harder or learn to spell.

The movie is a hoot – enjoy.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once a missionary....

I understand more fully now your evangelical zeal when it comes to Atheism.
