Thursday, July 27, 2006

9/11 Caller - Tower Collapses While on Phone

Kevin Cosgrove is on the phone with 911 operators on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center when it collapses. Do not watch if easily disturbed.

I listened to this a few minutes ago. It reminded me of how I felt after I watched Faces of Death a few years ago; numb, totally numb. Kevin Cosgrove died, and if you listen closely, you will experience a small part of the terror he must have felt. What kind of lunatic would perpetuate such a horrific crime? Cosgrove suffered. It is sometimes easy to forget the hell these people went thought that horrible day. This short video brings it all back home.

I remember watching TV after the first plane hit. I thought it was an accident. I watched for a time and then got ready for work. As I left for work, my wife caught me in the driveway to tell me a second plane had hit the other tower. The world changed then, I know I will remember it the rest of my life. This video helped me remember that I was angry at the time, but that time has pushed my anger aside. Why is that? I still want to be angry.

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