The group responsible for this, atheistagenda.org claims that they meant to equate any religious scripture with pornography, so... they were out to offend all religions. They published a flyer stating their goals. It actually had a statement that reads “Exchange your religious scripture for our scripture (porn magazines).”
Predictably, news coverage has not been kind. The students come off a immature and insensitive hate mongers while Christians play the victim and express their concern that this sacrilegious activity be allowed on college campuses.
Woai.com: Group Collects Bibles, Passes Out Porn
MSNBC: Trading bibles for porn in San Antonio
Xbis – Students trade bibles for porn
I am sure the blogsphere is going nuts; Technorati shows 112 links and counting so far. Including Kele's Journey, where I vented a little, and a few others where I dare not vent.
The Barnyard
Proud to be a Canadian
Technorati Tags: Atheism, Christianity, Religion, Islam, Intolerance, Nutballs