I pass cell phone towers everyday and never notice them. They have become ubiquitous, a part of the landscape, almost invisible unless you are looking for them. Cell phone trees on the other hand – well they just look wrong. My eyes always find them; they standout. They are unnatural and confusing; too perfect, something that is meant to blend in, but instead stands out.
This reminds me of the idea of Pattern Recognition. Meaning that we as humans have the distinct ability to see patterns in everyday life. It also means that we tend to seek out what is not right.
We all tend to take things in our life and kind of automate them and put images and sounds in the background. It's kind of like sleeping in a busy city most of you life and going to the country but you can't sleep cause somthing is wrong. Essentially we don't hear the noises we blocked out.
So the same can be said with these towers, we are used to seeing them one way, and we are used to seeing palm trees a certain way, but when you put them together in an awful display like that, its no wonder they stick out...
BTW I have never seen one of these, but I am sure I will in the future.
Fooled me. Of course, I live in Nebraska....
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