I read the news on Saturday mornings and sometimes I scratch my head and say to myself, "Wait… what?"
Take this article: Oakland Police Will Stop Asking Recruits if They Were Sexually Assaulted. It’s 2018. Do we really have policies like this one in place? How wrongheaded does something need to be before our leadership takes action? This policy stopped female and minority applicants from joining the Oakland police force. It’s a clear roadblock to progress and equality. Mayor Libby Schaaf did the right thing here. We should celebrate people like her. Doing the right thing… we should always do the right thing. Thanks Mayor Schaaf… now, can you we do anything about International Avenue?
Mike aka MonolithTMA 58p · 331 weeks ago
Mojoey 107p · 331 weeks ago
Mike aka MonolithTMA 58p · 331 weeks ago
MaxwellRios · 331 weeks ago