Tuesday, September 07, 2010

No lies, just faulty interpretation

I posted on nutball Laurie Cardoza-Moore a few days ago. Once of her supporters offered this as a explanation for her position of Islam.

No lies here, folks. The terrorism endured by Israel HAS come to our shores. There were NO Muslim Founding Fathers. The Board of Pediatrics DID propose ‘token’ female circumcision earlier this year.
Muslims WERE the enslavers of more Africans than the USA. The US IS at war with radical Islam, despite the PC-speech by the Feds.
Israel is STILL being pressured to give up land. No hate, just facts.

The terrorism endured by Israel HAS come to our shores – Has it really? Israel is fighting a constant battle with the Palestinians. We had one attack by religious terrorist 10 years ago. The conflict is Isreal is largely political in nature. It is not Islam vs. Israel. But the conflict is used as justification for religious nutballs to use violence against others.

There were NO Muslim Founding Fathers – and this matter how in our multi-cultural democracy? The reality is that today our citizens are from every nation  and every religion (even no religion). The religious of our founding fathers is immaterial. They were just men.

The Board of Pediatrics DID propose ‘token’ female circumcision – A misguided attempt by physicians to find a way to appease immigrant populations with a cultural practice of genital mutilation by performing a procedure that is cosmetic. That not exactly the same as mandated mutilization now is it?

Muslims WERE the enslavers of more Africans than the USA – Again, why does this matter. We were both wrong. One is no more wrong than the other. Your point is meaningless. What Muslims did 200 years ago is no more relevant to today’s issues then we the United States did 200 years ago.

The US IS at war with radical Islam – No, we are not at war with radical Islam. We are at war with the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan. There inhabitants and combatants happen to be Islamic. Your point is like saying we were at war with the church of England during the Revolutionary War, or with Buddhists during WW II. You don’t go to war against a concept, you go to war against a country.

Israel is STILL being pressured to give up land. – What does this have to do with a ground zero mosque? But your point is off too – Israel is being pressured to find peace.

What was your point again?

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