Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blogroll Updates

I've made it through 75 blogs so far. These are the latest updates. The following blogs were removed from the Atheist Blogroll.
  1. After Atheism *inactive
  2. Al-Kafir Akbar! *invite only
  3. An Enlightened Observer *inactive
  4. Andrew Clapper on... *inactive
  5. Ateistbloggen *inactive
  6. Atheism Sucks – sucks *inactive
  7. atheism | *inactive
  8. Atheist A Go-Go! moved to Skin Hunger
  9. Atheist Armaments *inactive
  10. Atheist Bitch moved to Bitching Commentary

The following blogs are our newest members.

  1. Atheist Climber
  2. Krissthesexyatheist
  3. Clinging To A Rock
  4. The Bee's Knees
  5. This is me and what I think
  6. Bitching Commentary

The Atheist Blogroll has 1065 members.