Youth Pastor John Picard, a true rat bastard, is going to die in prison. It’s ok to say this now, right? He was found guilty Friday. There is no more doubt. That bastard molested at least six women and young girls. I can call him a rate bastard with no guilt, right?
Since the jury got the case the same day, my guess is that the evidence was overwhelming.
The state called its final three witnesses, including Mansfield police Lt. Allen Vandayburg. He and Detective Jeff Shook went to Springboro, where Picard had moved, to interview him in July 2008. Police had taped a phone conversation between Picard and one of his alleged victims. In the conversation, Picard encouraged the woman to keep their relationship a secret.
Picard was found guilty on 42 counts of sexual battery. He could receive up to 110 years in prison. Picard was a youth pastor at Grace Brethren Church on Marion Avenue in Mansfield, Ohio.
There is one thing I want to know. How does a youth pastor abuse woman for years without Church leadership knowing? I do not believe it is possible.
XGBC YOUTH · 811 weeks ago
“But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck.
guest · 803 weeks ago
Jonny · 714 weeks ago
guest · 605 weeks ago
BFE · 786 weeks ago
Jonny · 714 weeks ago
-the son of John S. Picard
Anonymous · 254 weeks ago
John, hope you, Gregory and Danielle are doing well. Although nobody may even see this post as I am replying to it over 8 years later.
DC brother · 686 weeks ago
I am deeply shocked and saddened by what I have read here today. It has been many years since I last saw John and Sherri. Their children were small. Living close to their church and active in numerous youth events, I felt they were doing what God had planned for them to do. I never would have quessed that this would happen. Satan has torn apart a family of God, affected countless youth for Christ and put one more black eye on the church body.
The media has made fun of the church for years with these allegations. It is especially sad when evidence comes out to prove the wrong doing that occurred.
My prayers are for every young believer that was ministered to through the body of Christ at that church. Our God is faithful and true. He is a loving father who would never take advantage of you. Please remember that Jesus also hates this sin, but still loves the sinner.
I miss my dear brother and will continue to pray for God's grace in his life.
Michael · 660 weeks ago
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Prv 3:5
TTLR · 610 weeks ago
Mike · 608 weeks ago
Anonymous · 254 weeks ago