Saturday, August 29, 2009

Youth Pastor John Picard guilty

Youth Pastor John Picard, a true rat bastard, is going to die in prison. It’s ok to say this now, right? He was found guilty Friday.  There is no more doubt. That bastard molested at least six women and young girls. I can call him a rate bastard with no guilt, right?

Since the jury got the case the same day, my guess is that the evidence was overwhelming.

The state called its final three witnesses, including Mansfield police Lt. Allen Vandayburg. He and Detective Jeff Shook went to Springboro, where Picard had moved, to interview him in July 2008. Police had taped a phone conversation between Picard and one of his alleged victims. In the conversation, Picard encouraged the woman to keep their relationship a secret.

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Picard was found guilty on 42 counts of sexual battery. He could receive up to 110 years in prison. Picard was a youth pastor at Grace Brethren Church on Marion Avenue in Mansfield, Ohio.

There is one thing I want to know. How does a youth pastor abuse woman for years without Church leadership knowing? I do not believe it is possible. 

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XGBC YOUTH's avatar

XGBC YOUTH · 811 weeks ago

I sat through most of the trial, I heard all the victims testimonies.... all i have to say is this guy was one sick dude. Especially when you know that he said to detectives right after he was caught. "I couldn't help myself". I have worked with youth before, and I must say this was always the furthest thing from my mind as an adult leader. I some what feel bad for him when you consider his true punishment in the afterlife. I look at the passage Mark 9:42
“But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck.
I personally know John & consider him my big brother. he protected me from the age of 5 until I was 18 & went off to college. why isnt anyone going after his scumbag of a wife. she was involved in the whole mess.the judge was not happy the DA gave her a free pass. they also agreed to not remove the children from her custody,2 of the 3 are minors. I for one do not think that is fair. if she commited crimes then she should also pay the price. one should also question the detectives. they made it known that they had to let another minister go free,after being charged with basically the same thing,because they couldnt get enough proof & that pissed them off. it was very obvious they had it out for John.I would have no problem leaving him alone with a young adult. the women also stated that most of the "incidents" happened in their house. if that is so then how come the kids never saw anything(the kids were home schooled which meant they were home most of the time). if he did do the things he was accused & found guilty of then God will deal with him.I will,though,love my big brother & stand by him.
2 replies · active 605 weeks ago
Ok first of all, please be discreet with your feelings, that is my mother you are talking about and I don't appreciate the candor! You never know who might be watching sir, this comment has made me quite annoyed. I love my mother, and did you ever think she was pulled into the florilation my father had compiled along with the bunch o' other girls? did you ever think that possibly my dad was a total controlling conniving egotistical, manipulating moron? Not cool bro. But still, I am sorry you feel that way, you don't know the whole story and I won't waste time on it, sorry I came out strong, I don't know you and I shouldn't be judgemental and I am sorry, you have your own opinions and I understand that but please, just be a lot more discreet with how you share them, most words on the enternate cannot be taken back and hurt deeply. May God bless your life, and may be happy for real man. Later!
your brother is a fucking deuce bag they should castrate him and stuff his ball in his mouth!
As a former GBC member I was surprised at the chain of events to say the least. I had not been an active member in the church when all of this came to light and I would have never pegged John as being the type of person to do something like this. I feel sadness for all parties involved especially his children. I also agree that his wife should have been tried in this matter as well. I will always cherish the friendship that I had with John and wish that I could have saved him from his wrongdoings as he helped guide me away from mine. May god have mercy on his soul. Remember we have a forgiving god!
2 replies · active 254 weeks ago
Sorry you feel that way about Sherri, but please try to remember that you honestly don't know the whole story, it is a lot more than it seems, God protected her, how would her kids have survived if both of their parents were taken from them? she was not the instigator, he was, there are consequences for her actions I won't deny that, but they will come the way of God's choosing as He has chosen for her to not be convicted in this sense, we do have a forgiving God but also one that demands we abide by the laws of men, not only did John Picard dissobey the laws of man but also that of God in so many ways there can never be justification for it. please continue on that path away from sin as you stated, may you find love there and happiness come from the Lord Jesus! God bless!

-the son of John S. Picard
Sherri knew what was going on. Even if she was under John's "spell" she still engaged in sexual activities with minors. I grew up with that family and spent many nights over at the house. I remember several mornings we would be sitting down for breakfast and 1 or even 2 of those girls would come down from the master bedroom upstairs and Sherri was there. It's one thing to convince minors to be sexually engaged and to brainwash them but when your husband approaches you and suggests having threesomes with minors, you should know something is wrong. John was a very scary dude and very manipulative but so was Sherri. She was in on this. And younger women were not their only prey, as I do remember times where Me, Sherri and John would be in the shower together. She should have been prosecuted.

John, hope you, Gregory and Danielle are doing well. Although nobody may even see this post as I am replying to it over 8 years later.
DC brother's avatar

DC brother · 686 weeks ago

I knew John in High school. We went to Moody Bible College together. We worked together on part time jobs and had monthly get together dinners and bible studies with both John and Sherri for years after college. I will always remember the good hearted loving brother that I knew from my teens and twenties.
I am deeply shocked and saddened by what I have read here today. It has been many years since I last saw John and Sherri. Their children were small. Living close to their church and active in numerous youth events, I felt they were doing what God had planned for them to do. I never would have quessed that this would happen. Satan has torn apart a family of God, affected countless youth for Christ and put one more black eye on the church body.
The media has made fun of the church for years with these allegations. It is especially sad when evidence comes out to prove the wrong doing that occurred.
My prayers are for every young believer that was ministered to through the body of Christ at that church. Our God is faithful and true. He is a loving father who would never take advantage of you. Please remember that Jesus also hates this sin, but still loves the sinner.
I miss my dear brother and will continue to pray for God's grace in his life.
(This isn't directed to anyone specific) I won't say how I am affiliated with this family, but I have grown very close to Sherri, Jonny, and his sister. I don't believe that Sherri should have been tried and I am thankful she wasn't. The ordeal that this family had gone through was difficult, and in some ways, still is. Had she gone to jail or lost custody of her children it would have torn there family farther apart. But as merciful and loving as God is He allowed her be with her children. Through this I have seen how much they have healed and how much they have grown towards Christ and grown a stronger faith that I have never seen in any family. I love them all, and I thank God everyday for them. Gods Will is a beautiful and amazing thing and should not be questioned.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Prv 3:5
I know the whole story- more than most at least-and you are correct Jonny that this is complex and there is more to the story than most realize or may ever know. John Picard is rightfully receiving his punishment for wrongs committed to many young women-and, while Sherry herself may have fallen "victim" to John's persuasions, I don't remember hearing ANYWHERE that any legal charges of abuse were brought on John for crimes committed against her. And while it may indeed be true that her "children would have suffered" if both parents were taken away, I would be almost certain that they have suffered anyway, and that our BIG God would have taken care of them. Remember, hurt people hurt people, so who hurt John when he was young? In my line of work I see it all the time, and I would bet my life savings that he too was abused horribly in a way that rocked him to the core. It's not an excuse, but perhaps a call to remember that God's grace is big enough for even John Picard.
John had sex with girls from his youth group in his church. John went to prison. Sherry had sex with one girl in her youth group at their church (at least one that she admitted to-could there be more?) Sherry got a free pass, and kept her kids; one of which was a minor girl of youth group age. Interesting.
1 reply · active 254 weeks ago
There were more. I was there.

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