I knew some fundie nutball would step up to a microphone to spew incomprehensible Harry Potter nonsense. Rev. Doug Taylor started the insanity off with a few comments, then played a video.
"Harry Potter teaches witchcraft to children through children," author Robert McGee said in the documentary. "It's teaching children that witchcraft is something attainable. When a child is captured by witchcraft, they rarely choose to get out until much later in life, after they've led a very miserable life."
OK, it came from a video documentary, but you get my point. Do they seriously believe Harry Potter is corrupting our youth? Don’t these people have a life?
At least there was a voice of reason.
"I didn't come here to argue," said Emily Fuller, 18, of Lisbon, the lone opposing voice at the meeting. "My friends and I came here to hear your views. I firmly believe it's just a book. Reading 'Harry Potter' has never interrupted my life. My friends and I have never cast a spell."
At some point they will give up. Right? There are hungry people to feed and homeless shelters to build. Go do something Christian Rev. Doug Taylor
BTW – I hear Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is great.