Saturday, July 11, 2009

More to the Dan Silverman story

DanielSilverman Mike aka MonolithTMA of Atheists And Christians Community Blog posted links in a comment thread on this post to more information on the plight of convicted child molester Dan Silverman. It seems that former Baptist pastor Dan Silverman became an Atheist and in the process stirred up a mess of trouble for himself, including the charge that lead to his incarceration. You can read the original posts here.

Dan claims that once he came out as an atheist to his wife and pastor, unfounded molestations charges were filed against him. Unfortunately for Dan, he confessed to the police. To make matters worse, He did not contest the charge, so the truth will never come out. Do I believe Dan’s story because he’s an Atheist? No. His story is compelling and if even half true, he’s gone through hell. But that facts are also compelling. He confessed. The young girl stands by her story of abuse. And, Dan did not offer a defense. When you make your bed, you get to lay in it. Dan should have mounted a real defense.

Good luck with your 18 months Dan. It will be hard time.

I stand by my assessment that Heritage Baptist Church is a scary place. Pastor Bob Barton leans toward the dark side if even a few of the stories I’ve read are true. The place sounds like a cult.