I keep track of Church fires. My reason is simple. The perception of the public is that bad actors are burning down America's churches. The facts are very different. There is no doubt that people are burning down churches. The problem is that many of these cases find the people who owned/operated the church to be at fault. These stories never get out to the public. Instead, high profile cases are paraded in the press as examples of the nonexistent war on religion.
Take the case of the fire at Sarah Palin’s old church, the Wasilla Bible Church. An arsonist ignited a fire on December 12. Nobody was hurt, but the building suffered and estimated $1 million in damage. My question is, why did the federal government get involved in a simple fire?
The ATF issued a press release today. ATF Joins Church Arson Investigation. The arson investigation team now includes the Alaska State Fire Marshal, The Wasilla Police Department, the Central Mat-Su Fire Department, and the Anchorage Fire Department. I am sure more resources will be applied to the problem as the case progresses. But why? Does the fire somehow get special status because it occurred in a church?
I have a heart. If this were to happen in my own community I would want to see it investigated and those responsible held accountable. Since it is a church, I would not waste my money donating for its repair. If you want to help. You can send a donation to this address.
I’m not going to link to my source – I don’t like Michelle Malkin very much.
1. Please make your check payable to: Wasilla Bible Church
2. Mail your check to:
Wasilla Bible Church
1651 W. Nicola Avenue
Wasilla, Alaska 99654