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In a speech recently, Pope Benedict said "...Homosexual relations are a destruction of God's work". It sounds a lot like the ranting of his first master, who once said. “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” .
Words carry power in the mind of the faithful. When you tell true believers that gays are destroying Gods work, the true believers start destroying gays. “ Pope Benedict's words are irresponsible.
Yoo 71p · 846 weeks ago
Diego · 846 weeks ago
Jack 119p · 846 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 846 weeks ago
Nietzsche · 846 weeks ago
Mark Dobson · 838 weeks ago
A "true believer" in the Catholic Church would probably not base their entire attitude towards gay people on one isolated quote in a speech. If they were serious about their faith then they might look up what the Church actually has to say about them in the Catechism:
"2358 [M]en and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies [...] must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."
Obviously there are people who hate gays in the Church, but they clearly don't accept the teaching of the Church or of Christ, who equated hate with murder.
Diego: Did you read the whole speech? I rather doubt it. Of course, if you didn't read the whole speech, it would probably be a bit silly to criticise the Pope for not saying anything else now, wouldn't it?
vjack: I'd say the vast majority of non-Catholic Christians don't care, or disagree with, the Catholic Church, of whom the Pope is an obvious representative but not the Church in person - that would be Jesus. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the Catholic Church is the majority denomination (although we don't actually consider ourselves a denomination) of Christianity, itself the majority religion in the world (I think).
SeandBlogonaut: I find this whole "preaching hate" thing rather tedious. Ok, I'm a Catholic, and I imagine that you're all atheists. Now, I think you're all wrong in not believing in God, and yet - get this - I don't hate you. The Catholic Church does not think that homosexuality is a good thing and yet - get this - actually tells people that they mustn't hate gays.
Of course, you disagree, but on the other hand, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to consider our position with less prejudice.
Nietzsche: Ah, is there anything more endearing than someone who presumes to go by the name of a world famous philosopher (who of course, had much more in common with the Nazis than Benedict does...)? I'd love to know what Nietzsche would make of your handle... and your ingenious pun about poo.
Anyway, it's hard to say this without sounding patronising, but Catholics (the ones who aren't heretics anyway) don't worship the Pope. If he deserves to be ignored, why are you talking about him? And you spell 'worshipped' with two P's.
Mark Dobson · 838 weeks ago
I would be hypocritical if, for example, he said that "[h]omosexual relations are a destruction of God's work" and then went and attempted to have sex with a cardinal.
I hope it's not just because you automatically associate Christianity with hypocrisy. That would be prejudice.