Attorney General Jerry Brown actions are commendable. By asking to invalidate Proposition 8 he is acting in the best interest of our citizens. He's also sticking a big dirty finger in the eye of our Mormon masters, and they don't like it.
It is disappointing that the Attorney General has refused to defend the vote of the people as the law instructs him to do. It will take some time to digest this new and unusual legal argument he has created. As the only remaining party defending Prop 8's validity in these lawsuits, it is more important than ever that we remain focused on our role of providing the Court with the law and argument that shows Prop's validity."
I’ve got news for you idiots at, you are the only one left in the fight from the fundie side because everyone else realized what a huge miscalculation it was to forces ones religious believes on others. Perhaps it is time you mind your own business.