Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fundie calls for Atheist holocaust

I normally get these nutball comments in emails. This one was less a personal attack and more a call for... well, he wants to kill all of us.

David posted:

I think it's time for another holocaust. This time, instead of Jews, how about atheists. We urgently need to round up all atheists in the world and lead them to the chambers. Our world would be such a better place.

This comment is number 17 on a post titled, Dad links son’s suicide to “The God Delusion”.

I meet all kinds of Christians. Some good, some bad. Only a very few sink to this level of depravity. Is this really what Christianity is all about? Go ahead, tell me David is not a real Christian.

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I just submitted this one to Reddit-Atheism. Too good not to share.
Oh my. With this type of persons is impossible to hold any sort of dialog.
Does christian love know no bounds?
2 replies · active 846 weeks ago
atheisgnostic's avatar

atheisgnostic · 846 weeks ago

Logic: We had to destroy them to save them.

We had to apply anti-moral principles to maintain morality.
Too easy...'s avatar

Too easy... · 846 weeks ago

We had to abandon free-market principles to save the free market
Good thing we're easy to hide :P
This is more or less what I received from a "friend" several years ago. To this day she doesn't seem to get why I'm not remotely interested in rekindling our friendship.
1 reply · active 846 weeks ago
That sounds like the sort of friend one could easily do without. Yikes!
Fool! As long as you're having another Holocaust, why not throw every non-Christian in your gas chambers?
I just blogged about these Christian nut jobs after watching the Bill Mahar movie. Sheep are crazy.
Thelonious's avatar

Thelonious · 846 weeks ago

Don't you just love that second sentence: "This time, instead of Jews, how about atheists"...? Think about that. "This time"...not like we did last time, huh?
1 reply · active 846 weeks ago
I missed that. It's like he is endorsing the first holocaust.
I bet his baby crib was painted with lead-based paint.
While outright calls for extermination from the fundopath brigade are (fortunately) rare enough to merit comment, the underlying hatred and confusion is a veritable sine qua non among too many of these people.

If you can stomach both the scientific ignorance and the fourth-grade grammar and spelling along with the vitriol, read this thread about (in theory, anyway) climate change.
1 reply · active 846 weeks ago
You shouldn't waste your time on self-deluded idiots who spew vitriolic nonsense and non-sequitors. It's noble of you to try, but you must know you are lecturing a brick wall.

I made it half-way through the comments from your link before being overcome by the aggressive-stupid arguments, if you can even call them that.

It's scary how much they all say the same stupid shit over and over like a broken record. I guess when you have others doing your thinking for you it's inevitable that you become a homogeneous supertard.
You ask " this really what Christianity is all about?". No. This is what most every religion on earth is about. Hate toward non-believers. The one exception I have found is Buddhisms, but not Buddhists from China. They are mind warped by their government to hate the entire world. What the world needs is a new Awakening, where the people finally decide that they and they alone are the answer to all of their ills, and all of their dreams. That is what Atheists beleive, and they are better for it. When you screw up, you did it. And they are willing to take blame for it, unlike Christians who think that their God will fix everything they screw up. They can lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery and their god will forgive them, so they have nothing to lose! Atheists have themselves to blame, and therefore act more like decent citizens. Everyday we see church officials raping children, and they are forgiven. they are sent to prison in droves for murder, arson, rape,theft, and every crime one can think of. Yet atheists should be put to death!! Monkey Dumb. That is the state of religion in America, and the world.

1 reply · active 846 weeks ago
what about budhhists in sri lanka? In india, where I live - we have probably the largest collection of different religions. not one of them, however, is tolerant. And if history is any indication, they just get more intolerant over time.
Well I'm a burn in hell evil bastard atheist and I can safely say that's not the attitude of Christians I know. This guy is just a wanker troll trying to get people all fired up because he knows what he's saying makes the atheistic point of view better than anything any actual atheist could say.

As for the guy who read some actual factual literature instead of fairy stories who then proceeded to kill himself—IF that's what actually happened—I don't think we've lost a cure for cancer here, so fuck him. If his magic friend in the sky was looking the other way when he decided to end it all who are we to argue?

Merry spendmas everyone!
David is not a real christian :P
According to Mr. Ben Stein, the first holocaust happened because of atheist influence, survival of the fittest. There are many pissed off people because of that!
When I get mad, I say things that I don't mean. When I wrote that first blog I did that out of anger because of the story I read about Richard Dawkins book. If people knew me I couldn't even hurt a fly. So why are people saying that I'm making death threats when I'm not? I still have atheist friends and I would defend them with all my life even though we both have different ideologies now! I just disgustingly hate the ideology and belief.
1 reply · active 845 weeks ago
Yea, I always wish a holocaust on an entire group of people when I've got sand up my vay-jay-jay, too.
Christianity is a religion of peace just as much as Islam is.

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