Monday, December 15, 2008

Blogroll Update: Lay Theism

Lay Theism has joined the Atheist Blogroll. The author has been kind enough to provide an introduction.

In the author’s own words:

After many years of reading, thinking, experiencing, observing, and even sometimes praying, I have finally settled into the belief that this life is all we have. I was brought up in a typical nuclear family with Bible Belt teachings and surroundings. I attended church and went to private, religious school. But, after nearly four decades on this amazing, beautiful planet, I have concluded that this is all there is& there is no after-life, no mysticism, no supernatural, no omniscience, no messiah, and certainly no god.

Whatever your beliefs, you are welcome at Lay Theism. More than anything I am looking for truth and wisdom, which is clearly not within modern religion. I hope you find something that you have been looking for too.

Drop in and say hi!