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While it is known that Obama and Ayers live in the same Chicago neighborhood, served on a charity board together and had a fleeting political connection, there is no evidence that they ever palled around. And it's simply wrong to suggest that they were associated while Ayers was committing terrorist acts.
Source: Palin accuses Obama of 'palling around with terrorists,' cites association with '60s radical
Jack 119p · 858 weeks ago
dromedathump · 858 weeks ago
I just hope that some operatives of Obama bring up that bitch's husband's involvment with a "subervsive Alaskan Seperatist movement", and McCains connection with the corrupt and convicted "Keating Five".
But i fear Obama is too dignified to stoop to the level of the GOP.
GodAndState · 858 weeks ago
And do you really think that a husband belonging to the Alaska Independence Party is the same as Ayers? Or that the Keating Five, for which McCain was completely cleared of all charges, is the same as Ayers? If you think so, then just blindly check the box with the 'D' next to it, because you obviously don't care about anything else.
I'm no Palin fan, and I am a reader of this site for sharing the same religious views as you all. I am not a Republican, but I also am not a Democrat. But if we're all going to make a difference, we need to recognize the good and the bad on both sides, and Obama's judgement when it comes to his associations doesn't make me much happier than Palin's religious views.
And also to the previous poster, what in the world makes you think that Obama is too dignified to stoop to the level of the GOP. Seriously, someone is getting all of their news from Digg and Olbermann.
The bottom line is that both parties and both candidates are untruthful and dishonest. If you believe otherwise, you have far more faith in today's politicians than I do, and I'm not sure why.
Maybe it's me, but I can't just get on board with the whole "Ayers has changed, it was 40 years ago" BS. The guys is a terrorist, with no remorse, and to believe anything else is wrong. I'm not saying Obama is in any way like Ayers, but that his relationship to him is existent, and as a presidential candidate, that is newsworthy.
Republicans may be the more religious party, but the Democrats have the most religious presidential candidate.
I'm not here to pick any fights, but to say that Palin is flat out lying is wrong. You may not want to acknowledge it or look at it, but I assure you, it is wrong.
Mojoey 107p · 858 weeks ago
GodAndState · 858 weeks ago
Mojoey 107p · 858 weeks ago
dromedaryhump · 858 weeks ago
What you are defending is a desperate reaction by the Rep party for what looks like a crash and burn for them. They see the handwriting on the wall, the polls are all in agreement. McCain is now desperate, and this is the tact. Next will be the race card...maybe the "Hussein" card. Nothing is too low, too far fetched with their defeat in sight.
No, I dont equate familiarity with Ayers with a VP candidate whose husband is an active anti-American Alaskan Seperatist. I consider the latter much worse.
And McCain was reprimanded by the Senate for his involvement with the Keating Five, and he apologised to the senate(google it). Much like OJ's first trial, his lack of conviction didn't make him pure as the driven snow. What exactly was Obama repremanded for? Oh...nothing...thats right.
Thanks for reminding me why I left the GOP this past year after 40 years .
RG · 858 weeks ago
dromedaryhump · 858 weeks ago
why don't you divulge the ful scope of their "relationship".
here lemme help you:
1) they served on the same charitable organization's board.
2) Ayers donated $200 to Obama's campaign
3) Obama was introduced to him at a house party of the out going senator he replaced.
Now,if you could share the details of any other nefarious "relationship" they have,.. the "misrepresented" parts, I'd sure like to hear it.