Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sarah Palin continues to lie

Sarah Palin continues to confound me. She spreads rumors and lies - and people believe her. I don't get it. In this case she is spreading a rumor that Barack Obama has a significant association with a domestic terrorist. It is complete BS.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

Image via Wikipedia

While it is known that Obama and Ayers live in the same Chicago neighborhood, served on a charity board together and had a fleeting political connection, there is no evidence that they ever palled around. And it's simply wrong to suggest that they were associated while Ayers was committing terrorist acts.

Source: Palin accuses Obama of 'palling around with terrorists,' cites association with '60s radical

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When voters are as uninformed as many Americans, I suppose that lies like this can have an impact. As we near the final stretch, I expect to see nasty things coming from the McCain campaign. Obama has been more effective at defending himself than Kerry ever was, but I think we can help by getting the truth out there just like you are doing in this post.
Obama was 8 yrs old when Ayers was doing his Weatherman Underground thing. So we have guild by association ??? 40 yrs after the fact!! Ubfuckinbelievable!!!

I just hope that some operatives of Obama bring up that bitch's husband's involvment with a "subervsive Alaskan Seperatist movement", and McCains connection with the corrupt and convicted "Keating Five".

But i fear Obama is too dignified to stoop to the level of the GOP.
I'm no fan of Sarah Palin, but like it or not, Obama and Ayers have had a relationship worth noting. Ayers was a scumbag terrorist when Obama was 8 years old, yes. That doesn't mean that it's OK to be friendly with him now.

And do you really think that a husband belonging to the Alaska Independence Party is the same as Ayers? Or that the Keating Five, for which McCain was completely cleared of all charges, is the same as Ayers? If you think so, then just blindly check the box with the 'D' next to it, because you obviously don't care about anything else.

I'm no Palin fan, and I am a reader of this site for sharing the same religious views as you all. I am not a Republican, but I also am not a Democrat. But if we're all going to make a difference, we need to recognize the good and the bad on both sides, and Obama's judgement when it comes to his associations doesn't make me much happier than Palin's religious views.

And also to the previous poster, what in the world makes you think that Obama is too dignified to stoop to the level of the GOP. Seriously, someone is getting all of their news from Digg and Olbermann.

The bottom line is that both parties and both candidates are untruthful and dishonest. If you believe otherwise, you have far more faith in today's politicians than I do, and I'm not sure why.

Maybe it's me, but I can't just get on board with the whole "Ayers has changed, it was 40 years ago" BS. The guys is a terrorist, with no remorse, and to believe anything else is wrong. I'm not saying Obama is in any way like Ayers, but that his relationship to him is existent, and as a presidential candidate, that is newsworthy.

Republicans may be the more religious party, but the Democrats have the most religious presidential candidate.

I'm not here to pick any fights, but to say that Palin is flat out lying is wrong. You may not want to acknowledge it or look at it, but I assure you, it is wrong.
4 replies · active 858 weeks ago
Let's take this slow... I find something to write about in nearly every paragraph. My first comment is really a short story. I used to manage a maufacturing business in Santa Ana. My company was part of a work release program. We hired a man who was a murderer. He worked for me for a year. I ate a few lunches with him and had a few beers twith him too. He killed another man in a bar fight and went to prison for life. Does this make me a murderer or an acomplance?
A murderer who has done his time and is likely remorseful (hence being released) and being a part of a work release program is not the same as a man who ran a terrorist organization 40 years ago, and as recently as seven years ago did not regret a thing he did. Killing a man in a bar fight and bombing the Capitol are not the same. If this man were a serial killer who showed no remorse for actions he repeatedly took part in, and you willingly associated with him while knowing of his past, then yes, I would judge you for that. I just don't think these stories are the same. Could just be that we see things differently.
My post is about Sarah Palin. She used hyperbole and and inuendo to mischarterize a relationship. She deliberatly lied about the nature of Obama’s relationship. She deliberatly spread misinfomration. I find her actions dispicable. Why do you think this is about Obama? I’m not saying anything about the nature of Obama’s relationship. I’m highlighting Palin’s continued use of lies, hyperbole, and misinformation. She is dishonest. It is troubling.
so let me get this right: senator Byrd was a KKK grand wizard (or dragon,l or whatever those assholes call themselves), thus no one should serve on a charitable organization's board of directors with him for what he did 40 yrs ago? I see, ok.

What you are defending is a desperate reaction by the Rep party for what looks like a crash and burn for them. They see the handwriting on the wall, the polls are all in agreement. McCain is now desperate, and this is the tact. Next will be the race card...maybe the "Hussein" card. Nothing is too low, too far fetched with their defeat in sight.

No, I dont equate familiarity with Ayers with a VP candidate whose husband is an active anti-American Alaskan Seperatist. I consider the latter much worse.

And McCain was reprimanded by the Senate for his involvement with the Keating Five, and he apologised to the senate(google it). Much like OJ's first trial, his lack of conviction didn't make him pure as the driven snow. What exactly was Obama repremanded for? Oh...nothing...thats right.

Thanks for reminding me why I left the GOP this past year after 40 years .
It's not so much that he was bombing when Obama was 8, it's more that he was proclaiming that he had no regrets in 2001 when Obama was no longer 8, and that Obama has consistently misrepresented the extent of their relationship. Sorta like Rezko, and Wright after he became a problem.
1 reply · active 858 weeks ago
why don't you divulge the ful scope of their "relationship".
here lemme help you:
1) they served on the same charitable organization's board.
2) Ayers donated $200 to Obama's campaign
3) Obama was introduced to him at a house party of the out going senator he replaced.

Now,if you could share the details of any other nefarious "relationship" they have,.. the "misrepresented" parts, I'd sure like to hear it.

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