Obsessed with Reality was kind enough to provide an introduction.
Obsessed with reality is a term I picked up from the eternal Carl Sagan. I call this blog OWR because I consider learning about reality, if not the noblest, then definitely the most humbling adventure one can partake in.
OWR will be mostly about science, atheism and religion, and a cursory glance at my blog immediately gives away on which side I am. Its also a personal platform that will allow, as blogs often blissfully do, emotional relief whenever there's a persistent rumination on my mind. Since Im pathologically curious, I'm probably going to write a lot about whatever it is I run into that intrigues me, such as ethics, language, and ancient Egyptian rainwear.
For those of you counting, the Atheist Blogroll stands at 796 members. We will hit 800 by the weekend.