Tuesday, July 10, 2007

No Hell in Catholic school

The New Humanist has an interesting little post on a young boy with the surname Hell and his run in with the local Catholic School.

Poor Alex Hell, aged 5, is currently without a school after his local Catholic primary denied him a place because of his surname. The principal of St Peter the Apostle school in Melbourne, Australia took the decision following consultation with the parish priest, telling Alex's father: "You have made a rod for your son's back." To add insult to injury, the reason the family wanted Alex to attend St Peter the Apostle was because of surname-related bullying at his previous school. The school later agreed to offer the boy a place providing he used his mother's surname of Wembridge. Inevitably the family have told the school to "go to Hell", obviously using those exact words.

All this begs the question, what were the school worried about? Maybe they've been watching too many horror movies after Mass on Sunday afternoons? To see what almost certainly wouldn't have happened if young Alex had attended the school, see this trailer for classic 70s horror flick The Omen

Who says superstition is dead?

Hat Tip Reminiscence.

1 comment:

Rose said...

How sad! Its like the people who don't like Obama because he name happens to rhyme with Osama.