Thursday, July 05, 2007

Most suicide bombers are Muslim

Via Psychology Today: Ten Politically Incorrect Truths About Human Nature. I read the headline about Muslims and thought... well duh! What came next caused me to think about religious prejudices.

Suicide missions are not always religiously motivated, but according to Oxford University sociologist Diego Gambetta, editor of Making Sense of Suicide Missions, when religion is involved, the attackers are always Muslim. Why? The surprising answer is that Muslim suicide bombing has nothing to do with Islam or the Quran (except for two lines). It has a lot to do with sex, or, in this case, the absence of sex.

Absence of sex... Go figure. We are being attacked by men who cannot get laid. Is everything about sex?

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Nandes said...

Yes. It is.

We atheists often rub historical religious carnage under the noses of our theologian counterparts, but I wonder how many men in history have thrown their people into battle because of a nagging/manipulative wife?

Never forget, we (men) are stupid. Very stupid.

Johnny C said...

I agree with Nandes, but I would also like to point out, that in the West when we have sexual repression it often comes out in the form of pedophilia and etc. In the Middle East you have suicide bombers and I am sure you have pedophiles as well. Those who often embrace their sexual nature (though I would reckon not in a too obscene way) are much happier and understanding in the world. A lot is about sex, whether it is power derived from sex or from keeping it away, or the battle of the sexes... it has become something that has been ingrained into us as a society. Why can't we all just fuck every once in a while, get some tension out and I am sure the world would be a lot more peaceful lol

Anonymous said...

Agree on the sex bit, but I also share Joe's skepticism if only because a lot of Muslim jihadis who have jumped ship claim it's all about theocracy. Hassan Butt who recently defected from the British Jihadi Network in the UK had a recent article in the Guardian in which he went on at great length about the theological motivations - the drive to create a revolutionary Islamic state. I suspect though that sexual repression for sure is a trigger of sorts. I'm assuming though that the hard core types would still pursue their jihadist ambitions even they were getting laid every weekend.