I've put off witting about my number one song because I am conflicted. I could not decide if I should write about "our song" or about my song. After thinking about it for a few weeks, I decided to mention "our song" and write about my song.
"Our song" is Oh Darling by Supertramp off Breakfast In America. I do not listen to Supertramp much these days. For my wife and I, Oh Darling has special meaning. When it plays, we share a secret look and a smile. It is truly our song. If you would like to hear it, I found it on Rhapsody here. Yes - I know it is corny, I don't care.
My favorite song is In The Garage by Weezer.
I’ve got the dungeon master’s guide.
I’ve got a twelve sided die.
I’ve got kid pride.
And nightcrawler too, waiting there for me, yes I do.
I do.
To start with, let's look at my Top Ten plays of the last 12 months.
- In The Garage - Weezer - (77)
- My Best Friend - Weezer - (74)
- The Mariner's Revenge Song - The Decemberists - (59)
- King Without A Crown - Matisyahu - (56)
- When the World Ends - Dave Matthews Band - (55)
- Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd - Dave Matthews Band - (53)
- Drive - Incubus - (51)
- 54-56 That's my Number/Ball and Chain - Sublime - (49)
- Greatest Hits - Sublime - (48)
- El Scorco - Weezer - (47)
I play Weezer a bunch, and In The Garage the most. My 12-year-old son likes to listen to the top three songs on the way to School in the morning. We have sing-a-longs. It's great fun. My 26 year old son cut High School back in the 90's to listen to Weezer open the Cerritos Town Center - to this day he is still a huge fan. What can I say, Weezer is in our blood.
In The Garage is a geek anthem of sorts. And... well, I guess I can be called a geek. After all, I've got an original Dungeon Masters Guide, and dozens of 12 sided dice. As further evidence, Settlers of Catan is playing on the X-box live in the background as I write this and Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head is playing on iTunes. I'm ok with being a geek. I would not have it any other way.
woohoo! another Dungeon Master! I also have the full set of guides (first editions lol) and boxes of 12 sided dice :) I used to spend hours planing my dungeons and making up better ways to kill, maim or trap my friends :) - Now my son (21 has taken up the mantle and spent the whole day playing a Resident Evil RPG with his friends :)that he drew out and planned himself :)
I think "your song" as in the song you and your wife consider special, to not be corny at all.
It's a great song.
Your #1 is a great song! I am fond of The Decemberists as well.
psychodiva - I am a hopeless D&D geek. I started playing in 1975. My first DM guide was loose notes copied from other players.
BeepBeep - yes, I am also a hopeless romantic. I'm just as much in love with my wife today as the day I first met her over 28 years ago.
A great No 1!
Thanks for posting your top ten too. I've really enjoyed reading about it.
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