Thursday, May 10, 2007

Naming Nutballs

Naming Evil « Eating Words

The strident atheists of our time like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins are writing ruthless articles against any transcendent worldview, mocking and deriding belief in God. Let them look at the face of Cho and his video clips and see the end game in sight if their worldview is true: ...

Not that I'm complaining or anything - but, do they have to blame atheists for the Virginia Tech Massacre? I'm fairly sure the consensus is that Cho was mentally ill. Atheism, like Cho's Christianity, had nothing to do with his slaughter of innocents.

Why do Christians do this?


Abacquer said...

Because they are whackjobs. Some of these people are off the map with their beliefs... "live and let live" just doesn't interest them.

nullifidian said...

"Why do Christians do this?"

I believe it's commonly called 'lying for Jesus'.

BK said...

I personally don't know what Cho's beliefs were, but it is apparent that he was a looney. Claiming that atheism is responsible for Virginia Tech is as stupid as the common atheist claim that Hitler was a Christian and that the holocaust was the result of Roman Catholic teachings. Both are wrong.