Saturday, March 03, 2007

Evangelicals eat their own

Via The Carpetbagger Report, James Dobson goes after Rev. Richard Cizik for caring about global warming at the expense of gay bashing and the party line on abortion.  

Dobson and his cohorts have an odd approach, not just because they reject the scientific consensus and are unconcerned about the consequences of climate change, but because they need to silence a voice of dissent among their ranks. Cizik, they say, isn’t just wrong for taking global warming seriously, he’s also dangerous.

I support Cizik's position, and not just because he is challenging the all powerful fundie Dobson, he cares about the environment. Dobson's toe-the-line-or-else political execution are so transparent. His ego knows no bounds. Does he really think that focusing some energy on saving the planet will contribute to increased abortions or homosexuality?  The notion is absurd.

Dobson lost influence with the National Association of Evangelicals when his gay protege, Ted Haggard, resigned over a public sexual identity crisis.