Celebrity status bring with it the ability to directly access the minds of willing audience. People like has been pop stars Pat Boone turn up on occasion to foist their views on an unwitting public. What qualification does Boone have? How many advanced degrees? How much has he added to the knowledge base in the field of evolution? The answer to these
questions is simple, Pat Boone has no more authority to speak about evolution then Keith Richards has to speak about sobriety. Neither even understands the concept. Both are confined to their respect world views. Yet Boone speak - and people listen.
Eventually, Darwinian scientists concluded that this exquisite artifact had not been manufactured; it had evolved, starting as a primitive sun dial from prehistoric times, swept and carried along and burnished by howling winds and abrasive sands, colliding over the millennia with other whirling objects and substances, melting and freezing and morphing finally into this magnificent timepiece, purely by happenstance. And, because of its primary ingredients and millennial buffeting by the elements, it now was so in tune with the universe that it kept atomic clock-type time!
Even if it is a regurgitation of the 300 year old Watchmaker Analogy. How many readers will even know he's plagiarizing his material? If you want to listen to Pat Boone (or Keith Richards for that matter), listen to his music.
(Posted while listing to Jimmy Hendrix - Love or Confusion - off Are You Experienced.)