Thursday, February 08, 2007

OK - Now I'm pissed

I meant to watch this when the story broke. I should have. This pissed me off. Apparently, I should just shut the fuck up. Is this journalism?

(Posted while listening to Pearl Jam - Rearviewmirror - off Vs.)

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Charly said...

I'm completely disturbed - these people have such hatred they make me sick. Is this what Jesus taught them?

And how can CNN have such a pathetic, one-sided "discussion" with not even a single atheist present? Were they afraid that Karen Hunter was going to punch the atheist in the face?

Oh, and I think I missed the small print where the United States is officially recognized as a "Christian country".

beepbeepitsme said...

I watched it the other day too. It is just the usual crap masquerading as information.

It's purpose, like the purpose of any other program on TV, is to bump ratings. In other words, most of what we are going to see on TV is going to be crap, total crap and nothing but the crap.

Anonymous said...

Unreal. Biased and bigoted.

If Islam is being targeted in an online forum, there will reliably be the token imam with his rebuttal. Same goes for any other group. If the damn porn industry is being slammed, there will be a voice to give the other side.

The absence of a guest with a contra position makes it nothing less than a lynching of atheist opinion.

Simon said...

Any "news" item that has to start by explaining what atheism means to its audience is obviously screwed from the start...

Robert said...

I was not happy at all when I seen this video. If you are interested, tonight on CNN @ 8pm est She is supposed to have Dawkins on the show.

The Exterminator said...

Anyone who believes that the media in this country is committed to presenting all sides in an alleged debate is just as deluded as those who believe in a god. What conceivable difference could an atheist on the "panel" have made? Should we be wasting our time debating the Debbie Schlossels of this world?

This was a nothing segment hosted by a nothing person on a nothing show on a nothing network. We atheists are dignifying it, playing right into the hands of Zahn's producers, by getting into such a tizzy. We should not be so eager to adopt the "victim" label.

Meanwhile, the informed, god-fearing American public, despite retaining its prejudice against us satanic unbelievers, has moved on to far more important topics: killer astronauts in diapers and the death of a big-boobed bimbo.

Anonymous said...

On Feb 6 Dawkins ran a post on this CNN travesty titled "Panel discussion on atheism where no atheists are included". This type of high handed grandstanding has to be contested. Getting pissed about this has nothing to do with assuming a victim label, and everything to do with not allowing people to speak for you ... Debbie Schlossel or whoever.

Mojoey said...

Sorry Exterminator - I don't buy into the victim lable. If some idiot theist pokes me with a stick, it pisses me off. I get angry and poke back.

Beta male status is for the dogs.